Ironstream for ServiceNow® Discovery for IBM Z® Administration
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Displays the list of APF authorized datasets. Where possible, the volume serial of each dataset is given, regardless of whether the dataset is said to be on a specific volume or defined as managed by SMS. A status code of 0 indicates the dataset is verified as present and correct at the time of Discovery. All other status code values mean the dataset could not be verified for the reasons as stated below.
One line for each APF dataset, in the format:
Dataset name|Volser|Status
where Status is one of these:
0: dataset exists on the volume stated:
If an explicit Volser, the dataset is on that volume.
If *SMS* the dataset is both cataloged and present on the volume to which it is cataloged.
1: dataset not found on the volume specified.
2: dataset is cataloged to a volume that is currently offline.
3 xx: OBTAIN macro gave error xx (in hexadecimal).
4: Volser is set to *SMS* but dataset is not cataloged.
9: Volser holds unsupported value “******” or “*MCAT*”.
For a status of 4, the “Volser” value passed back will be *SMS*.