Using Scheduled Jobs - ironstream_for_servicenow_discovery_1 - 7.5

Ironstream for ServiceNow® Discovery for IBM Z® Administration

Product type
Product family
Ironstream > Ironstream for ServiceNow® Discovery
Product name
Ironstream for ServiceNow® Discovery for IBM Z®
Ironstream for ServiceNow® Discovery for IBM Z® Administration
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  1. Go to System Properties and enter sys_properties.list in the search box.
  2. In the Name column, search for x_evt_zos_info.MainframeProbeIPAddress.
  3. In the value field, enter the IP address of the MID server where mainframe discovery probes will be run. The MID server configuration in ServiceNow must include the IP address of this MID server in the IP address range.
  4. Go to System Definition > Scheduled Jobs.
  5. Search for the "Schedule Mainframe Discovery" in the Name field.
  6. Open the "Schedule Mainframe Discovery" job definition.
  7. Make a copy of the scheduled by selecting the Additional Actions and "Insert and Stay".
  8. In the Name field update the name and append a descriptive name for this job. For example, if a job must run discovery for the CICS component, append CICS to the name:

    "Schedule Mainframe Discovery – CICS".

  9. Set the Run, Time zone (if applicable), and time fields to the desired runtime.
  10. In the "Run this script" section of the scheduled job, update the line that begins with:

    var component

    to specify the mainframe components to be discovered by this scheduled job.

    Valid component names are:






    Component names must be individually enclosed in double quotes "name" and separated by a comma and a space from the next component if in a list. All components must be inside square brackets [ ] and the line must be terminated with a semi-colon (;).

    For example, to run a discovery for DB2 and CICS the line would be:

    var component = [ "DB2", "CICS" ];

    To run a discovery of only CICS, the line would be:

    var component = [ "CICS" ];

    Note: When using multiple scheduled jobs to initiate discovery, the schedule times should be far enough apart so that the discovery jobs will not be running at the same time as the scheduled job will manipulate the component level record of the Ironstream probe table. This means that if the job executions overlap there could be unpredictable results with the triggering of probes. If the time frames to run for different components are close together, the components should be run in a single job.

    All active probes in the LPAR category will run regardless of whether the component value of the scheduled job contains "LPAR". If the line that specifies the components is:

    var component = [ "LPAR" ];

    then only the active probes in the LPAR category will run, and no probes from other categories will run.

    The active flag for probes within each component will still be honored when using a scheduled job to initiate discovery. The status of a discovery initiated by a scheduled job can be viewed by navigating to Discovery->Status.