Configure and Customize Ironstream Discovery Probes - ironstream_for_servicenow_discovery_1 - 7.5

Ironstream for ServiceNow® Discovery for IBM Z® Administration

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Ironstream > Ironstream for ServiceNow® Discovery
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Ironstream for ServiceNow® Discovery for IBM Z®
Ironstream for ServiceNow® Discovery for IBM Z® Administration
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The Ironstream Mainframe Discovery application contains a Probes table. The configuration of the probes in the Probes table controls which types of items are discovered.

To access the Probes tables:

  1. In the Navigation Pane, enter "Mainframe Probes" in the search field and click the Mainframe Probe module.
  2. Under Ironstream Mainframe Discovery application menu, click the Mainframe Probes module.

The Mainframe Probes module displays a list of available probes.

The value in the ‘Probe Label’ column indicates the category to which the probe belongs.

Probes with a ‘Probe Label’ including the words "COMPONENT DISCOVERY":

  • Are triggered by the Process Classification.
  • Trigger the other active probes in that category. For example, if the ‘ET DB2 Get Subsystems’ probe (DB2 COMPONENT DISCOVERY) is active (the value in the ‘Active’ column is set to true), then it will trigger the discovery of active probes with a ‘Probe Label’ value of DB2.
The value in the ‘Active’ column indicates whether that probe will be included in the Ironstream Discovery process. True indicates that the probe will be included in the Ironstream Discovery process. The default value is:
  • True for the 'ET Configured z/OS system' probe.
  • True for probes with a "Probe Label" value of "LPAR."
  • False for all other probes.

You can customize your Ironstream discovery probes as follows:

  • Set the value in the "Active" column to false to exclude the probe from the Ironstream Discovery process. Set it to true to include the probe from the process.
  • The column labeled "Reverse PC" allows changing the default for the parent-child relationships that are created by the various probe sensors. If the column is set to the default of false, the parent child relationships are created in a "top down" manner. For example, a DB2 subsystem is the parent of as DB2 database. If you wish to view the relationships in a reverse manner, then set this column to true.
  • The column labeled "Relationship Type" can be used to override the default relationship type used when creating relationships for Cis discovered by the probe. If the column is blank the default will be used. When overriding this column, you must use a relationship type that is defined in ServiceNow and it must be entered exactly as defined in ServiceNow, otherwise the relationship will not be created.
  • Setting the value of the column labeled "Logging" to true will cause information to be logged from the Ironstream Discovery process for that probe. Logged information can be found in System Logs -> Application Logs. All logged messages will be prefixed with the string "ET Logger".
  • The column labeled "MAXSIZE" specifies the maximum size (in bytes) of the buffer allocated by the Ironstream mainframe agent. The buffer holds output from a request for data. When the buffer reaches its maximum size, an error is thrown, and discovery of that CI is unable to complete. Setting the value too high can trigger a memory abend on the mainframe agent. MAXSIZE must be an integer value, greater than 500000. Not all probes support the use of a MAXSIZE value. For probes that don’t support MAXSIZE, the value in the MAXSIZE column is blank by default, and the value is read-only. Probes that support MAXSIZE are:
    Probe Default Value
    ET APF Datasets 500000
    ET DB2 Get databases 1000000
    ET DB2 Get Table Spaces 1000000
    ET DB2 Get Tables 1000000
    ET Get CICS Plex Info 1000000
    ET Get IMS Data Areas 500000
    ET Get MQ Channels 500000
    ET Get MQ Queues 900000