Each LPAR in the configuration tool has a "Command Timeout" value which is the duration, in seconds, after which a call to a command on the agent should no longer wait for a response.
For some scripts, this value can be overridden. The scripts that support individual command timeout values are:
The conf directory in the Ironstream installation location contains the file: script_settings.conf
In the script_settings.conf file is an entry for each script that supports individual command timeout values. If a script is not listed here, it does not support this override capability.
The entry for the script specifies its individual command timeout value. On installation, the value set for each of the supported scripts is 30 seconds.
To alter the timeout, find the appropriate entry in the script_settings.conf file and edit the value. For example, to alter the timeout for the ev390cicsregions.pl script to 60 seconds, find the corresponding entry:
and change the value to 60, then save the changes:
To revert to using the command timeout specified in the Configuration Tool, enter a value of 0. For example, the entry below would signify that the ev390cicsregions.pl script will use the command timeout specified in the Configuration Tool:
If a value greater than 86400 or less than 0 is entered, then the commands called by that script will not run and running that script from the command prompt will result in output displaying that the timeout value is invalid.