A flag is provided to exclude (or include) the default IBM restricted groups, transactions and programs. The default value (Y) means they will be excluded and not "discovered". This is the usual requirement as discovering these from every CICS system would result in duplicated information and many additional CIs in ServiceNow. Setting the flag to N says not to exclude (that is, "include") them.
The flag is set on the parameter of the "ET Get CICS Info" probe. To include IBM restricted groups:
- In ServiceNow, go to the ET Get CICS Info probe.
- Select "ET CICS Info.ps1" from the Probe Parameters tab.
- Change the line of the Value field that says "perl $filepath"\BIN\ev390cicstrans.pl" $name $regionname-Y" to "perl $filepath"\BIN\ev390cicstrans.pl" $name $regionname-N".