Name |
Details |
Description |
Displays the contents of a sequential dataset, dataset member, or HFS file. If a partitioned dataset name is given without a member name, this command will return a list of all members in the dataset. This command cannot display VSAM datasets or datasets with unformatted records. |
Parameters |
Dataset or file name. For PDS members, specify the member name in parentheses. For HFS files, give the full path to the filename. (If the first character of the name is a forward slash (/), it is assumed that an HFS file is being described.) Remember that the syntax of the ev390hostcmd requires two consecutive periods to denote one period in any parameter. Optionally, specify "maxsize=n" as a second parameter to limit the number of lines of output. The default maxsize is 5000 lines. If the maximum number of lines is exceeded, an EVO140 message will be written to the output. |
Output |
One line for each line of the file. |
Sample Command |
Sample Output |
Line 1 of log Line 2 of log Line 3 of log Line 4 of log EVO140 Maximum lines of output exceeded (4) EOF |