TCP/IP connection problems - ironstream_for_micro_focus_universal_discovery - 7.4

Ironstream for Micro Focus® Universal Discovery for IBM Z® Administration

Product type
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Ironstream > Ironstream for Micro Focus® Universal Discovery
Product name
Ironstream for Micro Focus Universal Discovery for IBM Z
Ironstream for Micro Focus® Universal Discovery for IBM Z® Administration
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For proper operation, the client component must be able to connect to the IBM Z agent on both the message port and command port. After verifying that all required client component processes are running and all required agent subtasks are running on the IBM Z system, perform the following steps to verify TCP/IP communication between the server component and agent.

  1. Check the status of the message port (default 6106) and command port (default 6107) on the Discovery Probe client using the command:

netstat –a|grep 6106

netstat –a|grep 6107

If you have changed the default ports, then use the port numbers that are configured. If there is a connection from the Ironstream UD Probe server component, then the ports will show a state of “Established”.

  1. Check the TCP port status on the IBM Z agent with the following TSO NETSTAT



If communication is working properly, then the state should have “Establsh”. Below is an example of a NETSTAT CONN output from a normal state:

EZZ2587I VP390

0017D2FA Establsh

EZZ2587I VP390

0017D2FC Establsh

  1. Check the ev390mcs log on the Discovery Probe for an indication of a problem. Look for connection messages in the log.

    • In the connection message if you see a connection failure message with a result of “Connection Refused”, then the TCP stack on the Ironstream UD Probe server is getting a result back that indicates the mainframe port is not in a “Listen” state.

    • If the mainframe ports are in “Listen” state and are still seeing a “Connection Refused”, then check to see if there is a firewall in place between the Ironstream UD Probe server and the IBM Z system, and if so make sure it has rules to allow bi-directional communication between the Discovery Probe and IBM Z system.

    • If you are seeing a connection failure with the result of “Connection timed out”, this indicates a network routing error between the Ironstream UD Probe server and the IBM Z system.

  2. If you see that the server component makes a successful connection, but the connection is closed 30 seconds later and then reconnects immediately, this indicates a port conflict. In this case, change the default ports of 6106 and 6107 to a different range, for example, 6116 and 6117.

Please note the change must be made on:

  • Ironstream UD Probe server in the EVOMF_HCI_AGENT_PORT and EVOMF_CMDS_AGENT_PORT parameters.

  • The "TCP" parameter card in the mainframe SYSIN parameters).

You will need to restart both the client component processes and agent for the change to take effect.