Description - ironstream_for_micro_focus_omi - 7.2

Ironstream for Micro Focus® OMi for IBM Z® Installation

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Ironstream > Ironstream for Micro Focus® OMi
Product name
Ironstream for Micro Focus OMi for IBM Z
Ironstream for Micro Focus® OMi for IBM Z® Installation
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This card will initialize the MVS subtask and define an extended MCS software console to receive z/OS (MVS) messages for forwarding to the OM server.




Console Name

Required. Specify a 1-8 character name for the extended MCS console you wish to define for receiving z/OS (MVS) messages. If this name is defined in RACF, the OPERPARM values in the RACF entry for this name are used for the console definition. Otherwise, a console is defined with default parameter AUTH=INFO.


Optional. VTAM IST messages are normally filtered out by the MVS subtask. Use the IST parameter to remove this MVS subtask filter, allowing IST messages to flow. However, the IST parameter is not recommended unless both the PPO and the PPI interfaces are unavailable. (If the IST parameter is used in conjunction with either the PPO or PPI subtasks, the same VTAM message may be sent to the OM server twice.)


Optional. Instruct the console to capture MVS "Delete Operator Messages" and forward them to the OM server. Specify DOM to capture standard messages or specify DOM=ALL to capture all DOMs (such as in a Sysplex environment). The DOM information will be sent in an EVO211 message, disclosing the MVS message key or token of the deleted message(s). This information may be used for OM message correlation and auto- acknowledgement. (The EVO211 message does not need to be added to the mainframe message filter table.)




Optional. This option maintains a list of message IDs or tokens for all MVS messages that have been forwarded to the OM server, and then only forwards DOMs which match an entry in this list. size is the number of message IDs and tokens to be saved in the list. If no size is specified, the DOMLIST defaults to 1000 messages. Use this parameter if the OM server is receiving a large number of DOM messages which do not match any relevant message event in OM browser. The DOMLIST parameter is valid only if the DOM parameter is also specified.


Optional. Initialize the extended console with specific routing codes. Only messages with the specified routing codes will be captured by the console. Valid routing codes are in the range of 1-128 and can be specified as a single number (ROUT=5), a range of numbers (ROUT=7-10), or multiple numbers and ranges separated by commas (ROUT=5,7-10,20,128). The default for this parameter is ALL. That is, the console will receive all messages regardless of routing code.


Optional. Only messages with the specified descriptor codes will be captured by the console. Valid descriptor codes are in the range of 1-13 and can be specified as a single number (DESC=1), a range of numbers (DESC=7-10), or multiple numbers and ranges separated by commas (DESC=1,6-11,13).

The default for this parameter is ALL. That is, the console will receive all messages regardless of descriptor code.


Optional. Allows the console to monitor messages regarding the starting or stopping of jobs and user sessions. The NAME parameter is used to capture messages regarding the start and end of jobs (such as IEF403I and IEF404I). The SESS parameter is used to capture messages regarding the start and end of user sessions (such as IEF125I and IEF126I). The default setting is to activate the capture of both NAME and SESS messages.


Optional. Specify that the console will or will not receive messages that have been automated by the MVS Message Processing Facility (MPF). The default for this parameter is YES. That is, this console will capture messages even if they were previously processed by MPF automation.


Optional. Specifies whether this console is to receive undelivered messages. If set to YES and another console is taken offline, any messages that would have been routed exclusively to that offline console will instead be sent this console. The default setting is YES.


Optional. Specifies whether this console should receive all messages destined for the hardcopy console. The default setting is NO.


Optional. Specifies the maximum number of messages that can be queued to this console. The queue limit may be any positive number up to 2147483647 (2 gigabytes). If not specified, limit is set to 5000.


Optional. Specifies the percentage of the console’s internal queue that must be used before a warning message is sent to the proxy server. percentage may be between 1 and 100. Message EVO703 is sent to the server when the console’s queue has met or exceeded this level. When the queue drops below the specified percentage, message EVO704 is sent to the proxy server to inform that the backlog has been relieved. If not specified, VP390 will not issue the EVO703 and EVO704 messages:

EVO703 Console consname is utilizing n% of message queue EVO704 Console consname queue backlog has been relieved


Optional. Allows special checking of highlighted MVS messages (messages preceded with an asterisk or at-sign) against the message filter table before forwarding to the OM server. Set the HILITE parameter to one of these options:

IGNORE This is the default behavior. That is, the message ID of highlighted messages must appear in the message filter table to allow the message to be passed on to the OM server.

ONLY Only highlighted messages with their message ID in the message filter table will be forwarded to the OM server. (To send all highlighted messages, add an asterisk entry to the message filter table.)

ALL All highlighted messages will be forwarded to the OM server regardless of their message ID. Non-highlighted messages will still be forwarded if their message ID is in the message filter table.

Regardless of this option's setting, all messages are still subject to other restrictions, such as the MPF or SSI suppression parameter cards listed above.


Optional. Allows you to specify which systems in a Sysplex will send messages to this console. Set the MSCOPE parameter to one of these options:


Messages will only be received from the local system on which the Ironstream job is running. This is the default.


Messages will be received from all systems in the Sysplex.

(The additional information variable system_name will

hold the name of the originating system when sending messages to OM.)


Only messages from the named systems will be received by Ironstream. The name values must be no more than eight characters long, with a comma between each. A maximum of eight names is allowed.