Ironstream provides the assembler source code for a CICS XMEOUT exit which will redirect CICS messages from a transient data queue to the console by changing the message route code. The Ironstream MCS console will then capture these messages and pass them on to the Proxy server.
By default this XMEOUT exit redirects all CICS messages to the console. Restricting the messages that are sent to the console requires identifying the message IDs in the XMEOUT source code before it is assembled.
To identify specific CICS messages for forwarding to the console:
Edit the hlq.ASM(EVXMEOUT) assembler code and change the RERTEALL flag from ‘Y’ to ‘N’.
In the table labeled TDQTAB add the four-character name of the queue where the desired message is usually directed and the four-digit message ID.
Save the modified EVXMEOUT code.