On Linux, the Redhat Package Manager (RPM) is used for installation.
Download the Linux Installer from the Precisely Support portal.
Login to the Linux server where it is to be installed as root user.
Copy the downloaded installation executable (Linux EView390BSM-7-2.x86_64.rpm) to a directory such as /tmp on the server:
Enter the rpm command as follows:
rpm --install /tmp/EView390BSM-7-2.x86_64.rpm
where /tmp is the name of the temporary directory where the installation file was copied to.
The installatoin process copies the necessary files to the Proxy Server in the directory path you specify. The subdirectories created for Ironstream on a Windows Proxy Server (if not already existing) are shown below:
File Type |
Directory |
Binaries and Scripts |
/opt/OV/vp390/bin |
Configuration |
/etc/opt/OV/share/conf/vp390 |
Mainframe Agent |
/opt/OV/vp390/mf |
Process and Command Log |
/var/opt/OV/log/vp390 |
Language Localization |
/opt/OV/vp390/local |
Temp |
/var/opt/OV/share/conf/vp390 |
Management Pack |
/var/opt/OV/share/conf/mp |