Ironstream for Microfocus OMi for IBM Z provides several system monitors in the shipped product that can be modified for your needs. These monitor policies can also be used as samples for creating additional monitors needed in your environment. To implement one or more of these monitors, update the CPU monitor or DASD monitor policy conditions if desired, or add job information to the job monitor configuration file. Then assign the monitor policy(s) to the OM management server agent. Finally, distribute the monitor policies to the OM management server agent. (Do not distribute policies to the S/390 managed node.) The default monitors provided are:
Table 4-2: Default Monitors
Monitor |
Description |
EV390_CPUMON CPU Monitor |
Monitors the system CPU of all z/OS nodes defined to OMi. The default policy generates warning messages of increasing severity when CPU utilization exceeds 75, 85, 90, and 95 percent. |
EV390_JOBMON Job Monitor |
The job monitor policy may be used to monitor for critical jobs that should be active on a mainframe node. The job monitor script uses a configuration file to determine which jobs to monitor and when to monitor for the jobs. If a specified job is not running, a message will be sent to the OMi event browser. The default configuration file for the job monitor script is: Linux: /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/vp390/vp390jobmon.conf Windows: ev390jobmon.conf in the Ironstream configuration directory. This file must be customized for each installation. The file contains default names for standard WebSphere process names as comments. Each record (line) in the file must begin in column 1 and have the following syntax:
where: |
The remaining parameters are optional and may be used to limit the time frame when the job monitor script will check for the specified job to be active.
Examples: To monitor JOBA on mainframe during the hours 0800- 1600 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, enter the line in the vp390jobmon.conf file:
To monitor JOBB on mainframe every day during the house 2200-1000 (crossing midnight to the next day), enter the line:
EV390_SMSMON SMS Storage Group Monitor |
The SMS Storage Group Monitor policy may be used to monitor SMS storage group utilization thresholds. The SMS Storage Monitor script retrieves details of each storage group and calculates the overall utilization of each storage group. (VIO storage groups are omitted.) The storage group data is passed to the monitor to be evaluated by the monitor conditions. The Object field contains the following information, in order, with each item separated by a colon:
To check for different thresholds based on mainframe hostname or SMS pool name, create new conditions ahead of the default condition and perform pattern matching on data in the Object field. To use the SMS Storage Group Monitor, the OSINFO card must be present in the Ironstream IBM Z agent's SYSIN parameter card list. |
Monitors the availability of WebSphere MQ managers, status of MQ channels and current depth of MQ message queues. The MQ monitor will checks system configuration data to find configured MQ subsystems and then check availability of those subsystems. For active queue managers the monitor will check status of channels and current depth of queues. The policy contains three separate conditions for queue manager availability, channel status, and queue depth. Each condition checks information passed by the monitor script such as the queue manager name, channel name, queue name. Custom thresholds can be created by copying these conditions and using pattern matching to create unique conditions for queue managers, channels or queues. |