Phase 5: Configuring Mainframe Nodes for RMF Performance Data Collection - ironstream_for_micro_focus_omi - 7.2

Ironstream for Micro Focus® OMi for IBM Z® Administration

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Ironstream > Ironstream for Micro Focus® OMi
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Ironstream for Micro Focus OMi for IBM Z
Ironstream for Micro Focus® OMi for IBM Z® Administration
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Note: Before performing this configuration, you must have the “HP DSI-to-DDF wrapper utilities” (DSI2DDF) component installed. This component is typically installed with Operations Agent Version 11.x.

Collecting performance metrics for mainframe nodes is an optional task and requires configuration steps to be performed on the mainframe agent and the Ironstream Proxy Server. Collection of performance data requires either the CODA performance sub-agent to be running. The mainframe node must be running the IBM RMF (or compatible) product and have an RMF Monitor I task started.

The script creates a performance class specification file for a mainframe node and updates the CODA performance sub-agent for the collection of mainframe performance metrics.

To configure a mainframe node for performance data collection, follow these steps:

  1. From the Linux command line or Windows command window prompt, enter the following command:

    • Linux: perl name

    • Windows : perl name

where name is the fully qualified name of the mainframe agent node. This will create a class specification file for the mainframe node and update the CODA performance sub-agent. When running this command on a Windows server you must first change directory to <installation path>\bin.

  1. The Ironstream services on the Ironstream Proxy Server must be restarted to activate the performance interface. To restart the Ironstream services open the Ironstream Configuration Tool, select the Node button, click on the Stop button, wait until both services have stopped and then click on the Start button.

  2. On the mainframe agent, the PERF card must be added to the VP390 SYSIN parameter cards. Restart the Ironstream agent started task if the PERF SYSIN card was added or modified. The interval at which data is collected is specified on the PERF card. The default interval is 15 minutes. (See the Ironstream Microfocus OMi for IBM Z Installation Guide for details on the Ironstream agent parameter cards).

See Appendix C for the class specification file for RMF performance data.