The following steps must be completed before Ironstream for IBM Z agent can collect RMF3 data from the Distributed Data Server (DDS):
Start the Monitor III Gatherer
To start the Monitor III Gatherer, start the RMF control session (if it is not already running) using the console command:
Then use the Modify console command to initiate the Monitor III Gatherer:
The default PARMLIB member ERBRMF04 is used for the Monitor III Gatherer if no other member is specified.
Modify the Distributed Data Server (DDS) Configuration Member
Edit the DDS configuration member (GPMSRV00 in PARMLIB, by default), and add the name or IP address of the OM management server to the HTTP_NOAUTH parameter:
This allows the RMF data collectors on the OM server to access the DDS data without entering a user ID and password.
Starting the Distributed Data Server (DDS)
Start the DDS using the default GPMSERVE procedure in SYS1.PROCLIB:
Use the mainframe netstat command to verify that the GPMSERVE port number (defined by the HTTP_PORT parameter in the GPMSRV00 member) is open and listening. Verify that there are no firewalls or other security applications that would block the OM management server from connecting to this port.