JSON Field Name Field Description
APIN Absolute path name indicator (Y/N)
ORASP ASP device name
ORASPN ASP device number
ORATTR Object attribute
ORCCID Object name CCSID (int32)
ORCNTY Object name country or region ID
Entry type:
N - A new object was restored
E - An existing object was restored
JSON Field Name Field Description
ORLANG Object name language ID
ORMEDF Media file ID of object on source system
ORNRST Number of private authorities restored (int32)
ORNSAV Number of private authorities saved (int32)
OROBJN Object name
OROBUS Office on behalf of user
OROFID Object file ID
Object file ID (field is used only for objects in the "root" (/), QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems)
OROLDF Old object file ID
OROLEN Old object name length (int16)
OROUSR Office user name
ORPFID Parent directory file ID
ORPVTA Restore private authorities requested (Y/N)
ORRDLO Restore Document Library Object name
ORRFLR Restore folder path
ORRLIB Restored library name
ORROBJ Restored object name
ORRPFI Relative path directory file ID (if APIN=N)
ORSCAN Scan attribute (Y/N/C)
ORSDLO Save Document Library Object name
JSON Field Name Field Description
ORSFLR Save folder path
ORSLIB Save library name
ORSOBJ Save object name
ORSSTS Signature status (B/E/F/I/N/S/T/U)
ORSYSC System command (Y/N)
ORSYSP Program state (I/Y/N)
OTYP Object type
PCCI Path name CCSID (int32)
PCNT Path name country or region ID
PLAN Path name language ID
PNLN Path name length (int16)
PNM Path name