JSON Field Name Field Description
OLIB Old library name
OM2API Absolute path name indicator
OM2ASN ASP number for new object
OM2ASP ASP name for new object
OM2OID Object file ID
OM2PCC Path name CCSID (int32)
OM2PCN Path name region ID
OM2PLA Path name language ID
OM2PN Path name for new object
OM2PNL Path name length (int16)
OM2RPF Relative file ID of path name
APIN Absolute path name indicator
OMATTR Object attribute
OMCCID Object name CCSID (int32)
OMCNTY Object name region ID
JSON Field Name Field Description
Type of entry:
M - Object moved to a different library R - Object renamed
OMLANG Object name language ID
OMNDLO New folder or document name
OMNFLR New folder path
OMNLIB New library name
OMNOBJ New object name
New object name (field is used only for objects in the "root" (/), QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems)
OMNPID New Parent directory file ID
OMOBUS Office on behalf of user
OMODLO Old folder or document name
OMOFID Object file ID
OMOFLR Old folder path
OMOID Object file ID
OMOLEN Object name length (int16)
OMOOBJ Old object name
Old object name (field is used only for objects in the "root" (/), QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems)
OMOPID Parent directory file ID
OMOUSR Office user name
JSON Field Name Field Description
OMRPFI Relative file ID of path name
OTYP Object type
PCCI Path name CCSID (int32)
PCNT Path name region ID
PLAN Path name language ID
PNLN Path name length (int16)
PNM Path name