This table describes the JSON fields for IFS log records:
JSON Field Name Field Description
Remote address type: 4 - IP Type 4
6 - IP Type 6
Content Message Text
DATETIME Date time of the log record
Entry code that was defined for collection in the Configuration, example value in the log could be: "B"
Entry type that was defined for collection in the Configuration, example value in the log could be: "WA"
isourcetype "ifs"
JobNumber Job number
Jobname Job name
JournalLib Journal library
JournalName Journal name
ObjectType The Object Type, for IFS Messages it is only: "*STMF"
PathName Full path to the IFS log where the message was written
Program Program name
ProgramASP ASP name of program library
ProgramASPNum ASP number of program library
ProgramLib Program library name
RemoteAddress Remote IP address
RemotePort Remote TCP port
SystemName LPAR name
UserProfile User profile
Username User name