Working with Ironstream Hub requires two types of licenses:
- License to use the Ironstream Hub
- License to connect to the IBM sources
License to use Ironstream Hub
The Ironstream Hub license file is called ihublicense.txt and you will obtain it from your sales or support executive.
You need to place this file conf folder. You can install Hub without the license file; however, you will not be able to work until you place the license file on the correct path.
These are the notifications you will receive at various stages if you do not have the license file placed correctly or if your license is due to expire.
Scenario | Message text |
If no ihublicense.txt file can be found or the file cannot be read | Ironstream Hub License file could not be read. |
Expired date | Ironstream Hub license expired at 00:00:00 on <expiryDate>. |
Incorrect signature | Ironstream Hub License file is not valid. |
When running, notification of an imminent expiry date | Alert! Hub license will expire at 00:00:00 on <expiryDate>. |
When running, notification of a non-imminent expiry date | Ironstream Hub license expires at 00:00:00 on <expiryDate>. |
License to connect to the IBM sources
For IBM i sources, you may be asked to provide the serial number and processor group of the IBM i system.
The serial number and processor group can be found by issuing this command on the IBM i console: WRKLICINF OUTPUT(*)