Create and Configure Target - Ironstream_Hub - 1.3.2

Ironstream Hub Administration

Product type
Product family
Ironstream > Ironstream Hub
Product name
Ironstream Hub
Ironstream Hub Administration
Topic type
First publish date
You can configure two types of targets:


The File target configuration panel has two tabs: General and File Management. The General tab contains important information required to configure the target. The File Management tab can be treated as an advance setting for the target configuration.

  1. Click anywhere in the Untitled Target box to configure the Target.
  2. In the Add Target tab, click File.
  3. Complete these fields for the General tab in the bottom panel of the canvas:
    Field Description
    Target name Name of the target. Character limit is from 1 to 50.
    Description Short description about the target. This will be visible on the canvas. Character limit is 200.
    Path Location where the data log files are written.
    File identifier Output file name.
    File extension Suffix to the file name. Default suffix is log.
    Note: Target name, Path, File identifier, and File extension are required fields. If you leave one of the required fields blank, text on the bottom panel identifies this and the icon against the target box on the canvas remains orange. You must complete the required fields to turn the icon to a green ‘check’ against the target.
    Note: The file name generated by the Hub is path + hostname + file identifier + datetime + file extension. The total length of the generated name must not exceed 260 characters for a Windows system or 4096 for a Linux system.
    Example for the General tab:
  4. Complete these fields for File Management tab in the bottom panel of the canvas:
    Field Description
    File Rolling
    Roll files larger than Starts a new file when the current file exceeds the Roll size in MB. Default roll size is 30 MB. ‘Roll files larger than’ is checked by default.
    Roll yesterday's files at this hour Starts a new file at this hour if the current file was created yesterday. Default hour is 0.

    ‘Roll yesterday's files at this hour’ is unchecked by default.

    File Deletion
    Delete rolled files to only keep Deletes the rolled files to only keep the number of files selected. ‘Delete rolled files to only keep’ is unchecked by default.
    Delete rolled files after Deletes the rolled files after the number of days selected. ‘Delete rolled files after’ is checked by default.
  5. Click x at the top right of the bottom panel to close it and return to the canvas.
  6. Use the buttons on the bottom right to 'zoom in' or 'zoom out' to view the pipeline as you want, or to reset the view to the default ‘zoom’ level.
  7. When the pipeline is complete:
    1. Click the Save button to save the pipeline.
    2. Click the Exit button to return to the IBM i configuration tool. The Save button is disabled if the pipeline is invalid.
    Note: If you click the Exit button and the changes are not saved, it will prompt you to save or lose your changes. You cannot save an incomplete pipeline. Save button will be disabled if the pipeline is invalid.


The HTTP[S] target configuration panel has two tabs: General and Headers. The General tab contains important information required to configure the HTTP[S] target. The Headers tab can be treated as an advance setting for the target configuration.

  1. Click anywhere in the Untitled Target box to configure the Target.
  2. In the Add Target tab, click HTTP[S].
  3. Complete these fields for the General tab in the bottom panel of the canvas:
    Field Description
    Target name Specify the name of the target. The character limit is from 1 to 50.
    Description Provide a short description of the target. This will be visible on the canvas. The character limit is 200.
    URL Enter the API endpoint URL.
    Verb or Method Send data to an external URL via an HTTP POST or GET request. POST is selected by default.
    Initial Timeout Number of seconds to wait for the initial response. The default time is 60 seconds.
    Retry Interval If a connection to an URL fails, the Hub waits for the initial timeout, then will retry the connection based on the drop-down. By default, No Retry is selected.
    Note: Target name, URL, and Initial Timeout are required fields. If you leave one of the required fields blank, text on the bottom panel identifies this and the icon against the target box on the canvas remains orange. You must complete the required fields to turn the icon to a green ‘check’ against the target.

    Example for the General tab:

  4. Complete these fields for Headers tab in the bottom panel of the canvas:

    If your HTTP[S] Target needs Headers included in the connection, you can add them here and have them securely stored if necessary. An example of a Header might be the need to set a content type like this:

    Content-Type: application/json

    Here you can use the New Header button, enter a key of Content-Type without the trailing ':' character as this is added automatically, and then enter application/json as the value. You can enter a key without a value, and you can enter multiple Header keys.

    If you need a Header key or value pair to be secure because it contains sensitive information, you can use the New Secure Header button. The key remains visible in the UI, but any data entered into the value field is obfuscated as you type and encrypted when saved in the configuration file. It is only decrypted when it is used in a connection to the Target URL. If you create a Secure Header, you must enter a value. You can enter multiple keys with the same value.

    Field Description
    Key Specify a new key.
    Value Specify a value for the Header key if required
    Notes Use this field if you want to put any extra notes about key value pair.
    Example for the Headers tab: