Payload Wrapper - Ironstream_Hub - 1.3.1

Ironstream Hub Administration

Product type
Product family
Ironstream > Ironstream Hub
Product name
Ironstream Hub
Ironstream Hub Administration
Topic type
First publish date

This process allows you to batch JSON records and include one or more fixed JSON key/value pairs along with other data. The purpose of this process is twofold. One is to enable the sending of data in batches as a single 'payload', rather than individual records. The other is to allow the incorporation of information in a user-chosen location within that batch, which may be necessary to support data destined for specific targets. The records in any given batch replace the mandatory <<PAYLOAD>> string.

  1. To add Payload Wrapper, click Payload Wrapper in Add Process window. The canvas updates immediately. The orange icon identifies that it is not valid, or not complete. The green ‘check’ icon is no longer present against the Target. This identifies that the pipeline is not complete, or not correct.
    Figure 1. Add Payload Wrapper
  2. Complete these fields for a Payload Wrapper in the bottom panel of the canvas.




    Name for the process. The character limit is from 1 to 50.


    Short description about the Payload Wrapper. This will be visible on the canvas. The character limit is 0 to 200.
    Wrapper text Text to add to each batch. It must include the string<<PAYLOAD>>. The character limit is from 11 to 1000.
    Batch records until they exceed Integer number. The number limit is from 100 to 2000000. The default value is 5000.
    Note: Name, Wrapper text, and Batch records until they exceed are required fields. If you leave one of the required fields blank, text on the bottom panel identifies this and the icon remains orange. You must complete the required fields to turn the icon to a green ‘check’.
    Example of completed Payload Wrapper:
    Figure 2. Completed Payload Wrapper
  3. Click x at the top right of the bottom panel to close it and return to the canvas.
  4. To delete a Payload Wrapper, hover over the Payload Wrapper box and click the delete icon . A Delete Selected Item window appears. Click Yes, I still want to delete.
    Figure 3. Delete Payload Wrapper

To configure Payload Wrapper, see Configuring Payload Wrapper.