Filter on Parallel Route - Ironstream_Hub - 1.3.1

Ironstream Hub Administration

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Ironstream > Ironstream Hub
Product name
Ironstream Hub
Ironstream Hub Administration
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First publish date

You can click the 'two arrows' icon on each filter node on the canvas to create a parallel route through the pipeline. You can create either a Simple or Regex Filter using Add Process. The position of the new process/filter will be parallel to the existing route.

Figure 1. Filter on Parallel Route

When you complete the filter details (simple or regex), you will see that the process/filter still has the orange icon . This is because it is not connected to anything on its right. The stray link must be dragged to another filter or to the Target to complete the pipeline.

You can add filters at every icon or parallel link icon. You cannot add a filter at a stray link until it is connected to a Target or another Filter. See the example below.

Figure 2. Add Another Filter on Parallel Route

At the end, all routes through the pipeline must be able to send data to the Target or else the Target will not be marked as complete. Here the FindInvalidHeadOfficeItems filter is pulled to join to the Target:

Figure 3. Completed Parallel Filters
Note: The arrangement of nodes on the canvas has changed, the new parallel route is “on top”. This is automatic and the user has no control over the placement or location of individual items on the canvas.

Use the buttons on the bottom right to 'zoom in' or 'zoom out' to view the pipeline as you want, or to reset the view to the default ‘zoom’ level.

When the pipeline is complete:
  • Click the Save button to save the pipeline.
  • Click the Exit button to return to the IBM i configuration tool. You must restart the Ironstream Hub service to implement your changes. The requirement to do this will be addressed in a future update to the Hub.
    Note: If you click the Exit button and the changes are not saved, it will prompt you to save or lose your changes.

You cannot save an incomplete pipeline. Save button will be disabled if the pipeline is invalid.

To delete a process node in the pipeline:
  • Hover over the process node to see the two icons, the edit ‘pencil’ and a ‘bin’ .
  • Click the icon to delete the node. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.

It is possible at this time to end up with stray links between the nodes. You may have to delete and add other nodes again to return the pipeline to the topology you want. This is intended to be addressed in a future version of the Hub.