File Target - Ironstream_Hub - 1.3.0

Ironstream Hub Administration

Product type
Product family
Ironstream > Ironstream Hub
Product name
Ironstream Hub
Ironstream Hub Administration
Topic type
First publish date

This target writes data to files. These can then be collected by Logstash or a Splunk Forwarder.

Files will be “rolled” – renamed and additional information added to their names - to maintain a number of versions of them, as defined in the these parameters.

If the ConnectorType is set to File, these fields are required - all have a Parent Field of FileConfiguration:

Field Description Valid Values Default Value

The path to the directory where the file will be written.

On Windows, backslashes will need to be escaped by duplicating the backslash. For example:

"Path": "C:\\log",

Escaping the backslash is not required on Linux systems. For example:

Valid file system path None, mandatory
FileNamePrefix The start of the file name. None, mandatory
FileNameSuffix The end of the file name. This can be used to specify a file extension. None, mandatory
RollWhenTooBig If set to true, then the
file will be rolled once it
exceeds the value of RollSizeMB.
true, false true
RollSizeMB Once the file has reached
this size it will be rolled,
and a new file will be created
for all new records.
Positive integer 30
RollWhenTooOld If set to true, then the
file will be rolled according
to the value of RollHour.
true, false true
RollHour If the file was created yesterday and the current hour is greater than RollHour then the file will be rolled. Integer from 0 - 23 0
HousekeepUsingQuantity Whether to housekeep files based on number of files. true, false true
MaxBackupIndex Once the number of rolled files exceeds this number then the oldest rolled files, based on the datetime stamp in the file name, will be deleted until only this number of rolled files remain. Integer from 0-999 1
HousekeepUsingAge Whether to housekeep files based on the age of the file, as determined by the datetime stamp in the file name. true, false false
MaxBackupDays Once the difference between ‘now’ and the datetime stamp in the rolled file’s name exceeds this number of days then housekeeping will delete this file. Integer from 0-999 None

The creation date and time of the file will be written between the file prefix and suffix; that is, the filename will be in this form:


If the Source has been configured to obtain the host name, then this will be written as a part of the filename. The filename will then be in this form:
