Hail storm intensity and associated damage - Latest

Historical Weather Risk Product Guide

Product type
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Enrich Boundaries > Risk Boundaries
Historical Weather Risk
Precisely Data Integrity Suite > Data Enrichment
Product name
Historical Weather Risk
Historical Weather Risk Product Guide
First publish date
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The TORRO hail storm intensity scale extends from H0 to H10, with increments of intensity or damage potential related to the following criteria:

  • Hail size (distribution and maximum)
  • Texture
  • Numbers
  • Fall speed
  • Speed of storm translation
  • Strength of accompanying wind.

Characteristic damage associated with each increment is listed in the table below but can be modified to reflect differences in building materials and types (for example, if roofing tiles are predominantly slate, shingle, or concrete).

The following table describes the TORRO hail storm intensity scale and damage associated with each degree of severity.

TORRO Hail Storm Intensity Scale
Scale Intensity Category Typical Hail Diameter (mm)* Probable Kinetic Energy (J/m2) Typical Damage
H0 Hard hail 5 0-25 No damage.
H1 Potentially damaging 5-15 >25 Slight damage to plants, crops.
H2 Potentially damaging 10-20 >125 Significant damage to fruit, crops, vegetation.
H3 Severe 20-30 >275 Severe damage to fruit and crops; damage to glass and plastic structures; paint and wood scored.
H4 Severe 25-40 >450 Widespread glass damage; vehicle bodywork damage.
H5 Destructive 30-50 >650 Wholesale destruction of glass; damage to tiled roofs; significant risk of injuries.
H6 Destructive 40-60 - Aircraft bodywork dented; brick walls pitted.
H7 Very destructive 50-75 - Severe roof damage; risk of serious injuries.
H8 Very destructive 60-90 - Severe damage to aircraft bodywork. (Severest recorded in the British Isles).
H9 Super hailstorm 75-100 - Extensive structural damage. Risk of severe or even fatal injuries to persons caught in the open.
H10 Super hailstorm >100 - Extensive structural damage. Risk of severe or even fatal injuries to persons caught in the open.
* Approximate range, since other factors (number and density of hailstones, hail fall speed, and surface wind speeds) affect severity.