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GroundView: Complete US Demographic Estimates and Projections Data Suite Product Guide

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Enrich Demographics > Demographic Estimates and Projections
GroundView Demographics > Complete
Product name
GroundView: Complete
GroundView: Complete US Demographic Estimates and Projections Data Suite Product Guide
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GroundView: Complete – US Demographic Estimates and Projections Data Suite for the United States and Puerto Rico is an accurate, current, and comprehensive product suite containing almost 6,500 demographic and socio-economic variables, across multiple layers of geography including ZIP Codes and census block groups. Current year estimates and five-year projections were produced by a team of demographers, statisticians and geographers with extensive industry experience, using data-driven and reliable methodologies.

GroundView: Complete provides the following data components:

  • Demographics – population and household characteristics bundled in themed datasets, plus additional datasets such as Consumer Spend Potential and Household Wealth and Financial Assets.
  • GeoEnrichment – current year estimates are transformed into relative values and provided in a set of themed datasets which correspond to the current year demographics data sets. Included with these components is the PreciselyID lookup.

GroundView datasets deliver demographic and socioeconomic information in a geographic context, for a deeper understanding of current and potential markets. Data includes information such as population by age and race, household income, and consumer spending potential.

The GeoEnrichment percentage and mean/median data components are based on the current year GroundView demographic estimates. Each current year GroundView estimates dataset is transformed into relative values at the Block Group level, resulting in the set of GeoEnrichment files.

An accompanying lookup table with the PreciselyID PBKEY and Block Group code enables the linkage to the derived geoenrichment data and thus delivers demographic information on a PreciselyID for operational efficiency at the address level.

Precisely GroundView data is used to understand, estimate, project, compare and differentiate the demographic, economic and geographic characteristics of markets – including by customized trade areas.

The annually updated GroundView suite of demographic datasets provide users with a sound basis for making assessments about current and target market sizes and characteristics, and for enhancing their customer databases with added contextual information.

Estimates and projections (E&P) have a July 1st reference date and are based on current geography. The datasets are available in multiple file formats including file formats compatible with Precisely software including MapInfo Pro and Spectrum.

The suite of GroundView demographic datasets described in this product guide include:

Product Description Data Sources
Current Year Estimates (CY) Current year estimates of population, households and their demographic and economic characteristics in themed datasets. CY households and population are grounded on Precisely’s address and postal products and Census Bureau inputs. Household and population characteristics are largely based on selected data from the latest available 5-year American Community Survey (ACS).

US Census Bureau

US Postal Service

Woods & Poole Economics

5-Year Projections (5Y) Five-year projections of population, households and their demographic and economic characteristics in themed datasets, where applicable.

US Census Bureau

US Postal Service

Woods & Poole Economics

2020 Base Year Estimates (BY) Census 2020 data from the Demographic and Housing Characteristics (DHC) file (formerly known as the Summary File 1) provides key, detailed census information for the Base Year estimates of population and households. Selected 5-year American Community Survey Estimates (2022 ACS 2018-2022 utilized for BY) provide a basis for characteristic data not covered by DHC. Geostatistical algorithms were applied to selected small-area ACS estimates and distributed to 2020 Census counts for BY estimates. Base Year Estimates are available in themed datasets.

US Census Bureau

2010 Census Estimates (XY) Selected Census 2010 data from the Summary File 1 (SF1) provides detailed census demographic information. Selected 5-year American Community Survey Estimates (2010 ACS 2008-2012 utilized for XY) provide a basis for characteristic data not covered by SF1. Geostatistical algorithms were applied to selected small-area ACS estimates and distributed to 2010 Census counts for XY estimates. Census 2010 Estimates are available in current geography and in themed datasets.

US Census Bureau

Consumer Spend Potential (CY) Provides estimates of aggregate household spending for consumer goods including food, automobiles, insurance and other expenditure categories.
Note: The Consumer Spend Potential 5-year projections dataset was discontinued after the GroundView 2022 release.

US Bureau of Labor Statistics

Household Wealth and Financial Assets (CY and 5Y) Provides estimated household distributions by net worth and financial asset dollar ranges, averages, and medians – available in current geography

Federal Reserve Board


This document describes the content of the data sets and how the data were produced. Methodology statements are provided for census data and for estimates and projections data. A complete list of variables with detailed field descriptions for the GroundView: Complete demographic data suite and the GeoEnrichment component datasets are available in the companion Excel workbook – groundview_complete_usa_data_schema.xlsx. Counts of variables and of records per geography level are included in the document – groundview_complete_usa_statistics.xlsx within the delivery zipped package.

Additional information regarding the loading of GeoEnrichment datasets into databases such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server can be found in the Getting Started Guide document.