To install GroundView: Complete data, extract all the files from the compressed delivery zip file into a unique directory, one that is separate from any program or application directories. The data folder holds multiple subfolders. The two subfolders, demographics and geoenrichment, contain the GroundView demographics data files and the GeoEnrichment files, respectively. A third subfolder, called boundaries, contains boundary text files for ten levels of geography, including Block Group, with geometry provided in WKT format.
The geoenrichment components of this data suite are delivered with an accompanying PreciselyID pipe-delimited text file containing the PBKEY to the Block Group code lookup table. The lookup table is contained within the index subfolder of the geoenrichment folder and is updated quarterly. This lookup table enables the user to join the various geoenrichment dataset attributes to addresses which have been assigned a PBKEY. The field code present in both the PreciselyID lookup table and the attributes files ge_*.txt serves as the key to join both the files.
Once extracted, data can be loaded for use in a database or GIS software, such as MapInfo Pro, or Precisely's Spectrum platform. For more information about using MapInfo Pro, visit the Precisely product support page. Refer to the Spectrum Technology Platform documentation page for more information about the Spectrum Technology Platform.
Be sure to also extract the excel workbook files found in the documentation folder.