Demographics specifications - complete - Latest

GroundView: Complete US Demographic Estimates and Projections Data Suite Product Guide

Product type
Product family
Enrich Demographics > Demographic Estimates and Projections
GroundView Demographics > Complete
Product name
GroundView: Complete
GroundView: Complete US Demographic Estimates and Projections Data Suite Product Guide
First publish date
Last updated
Published on
Coverage US (including DC and Puerto Rico)
Reference Date Estimates and projections have a mid-year, July 1 reference date. Census 2010-based and Census 2020-based data have been estimated with a July 1 reference date.
Update Frequency Annual
Geographic Levels

10 levels for the US, 8 levels for Puerto Rico. Census-based geography is based on Census 2020 with updates of geographic codes and boundaries from latest available TIGER/Line boundaries at time of development:

Code US Geographic Level Puerto Rico Geographic Level
BG Block Group Block Group
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area Core Based Statistical Area
CO County or equivalent Municipio
CT Census Tract Census Tract
DMAR Designated Market Area Region -
MCD Minor Civil Division Barrio, Barrio-Pueblo, and Subbarrio
PL Place Zona Urbana or Comunidad
ST State and District of Columbia Puerto Rico
USA United States -
File Format
  1. MapInfo Extended TAB (NativeX) format:
    • Non-mappable for all datasets except Update Profile. Most datasets are not joined with boundary polygons.
    • Mappable for Update Profile dataset only – this dataset is joined to boundaries for each geography level.
  2. Pipe-delimited text (with header).
    • Additional boundary text files, with geometry provided in Well Known Text (WKT) format, are included in the boundaries subfolder, within the data folder. The boundary text files are not joined to the demographic data.
Character Encoding UTF-8
Data Schema

Refer to groundview_complete_usa_data_schema.xlsx, see fields specified for the table names starting with “gv_”.

The demographics components of GroundView: Complete data suite are composed of files which primarily have count values. The values in the demographic datasets are, for the most part, estimated counts of population or households for various demographic subsets and distributions of population or households by demographic or socio-economic groupings/categories. In case of the aggregate household income or Consumer Spend Potential, the numbers represent dollar values. These demographics data files may also contain percentage, median, or average (mean) values, particularly within the Update Profile dataset. Descriptions of the variables are contained in the data schema Excel workbook as well as in the supplementary variables listing workbook (which includes additional details).