This topic describes how to prepare the GeoTAX SDK deployment for docker.
To prepare deployment for Docker, first create a compose directory
and within it the data and geotax/gtx
Add the sample docker-compose.yml file to the
compose directory and the Dockerfile file to
the geotax directory:
- Download the distribution file (where version is the product version).
- Extract data resource folders into the data directory.
Extract the geotax-dist-version distribution
resource directories and files into the gtx directory:
Execute the following commands to build the container:
cd `compose/geotax` docker build -t geotax-service docker tag geotax-service:latest geotax-service:staging
Execute the following commands to deploy the container:
Execute the following commands to deploy the container: cd `compose` docker compose up
Note: For this example to work, you must extract data into the compose/data directory before running the docker compose up command.