Using building name and firm matching - GeoTAX_Premium - 7.7

GeoTAX Premium for Windows, UNIX/Linux, and z/OS

Product type
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Geo Addressing
GeoTAX Premium
Product name
GeoTAX Premium
GeoTAX Premium for Windows, UNIX/Linux, and z/OS
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GeoTAX can enhance standard address matching by matching to building and business names.

By default, GeoTAX is able to match building names with unit numbers in the address line, the Chrysler building as an example:

Firm:Address:   5001 Chrysler BldgLast Line: New York New York 10174

The returned information is the address of the Chrysler building. GeoTAX returns a standardized address in place of the building name:

Firm:Address:   405 LEXINGTON AVE RM 5001Last Line: NEW YORK, NY  10174-5002

Entering the White House, as an example, into the address line, the address for the White House returns in the address field:

Firm:Address:   White HouseLast Line: Washington DC 20500

GeoTAX returns the following address:

Firm:Address:   1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NWLast Line: WASHINGTON DC 20500-0004

Entering a firm name in the Firm name field returns the address for the input firm in the address field:

Firm:        White HouseAddress:Last Line: Washington DC  20500

GeoTAX returns the following address:

Firm:        WHITE HOUSEAddress:  1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NWLast Line: WASHINGTON DC 20500-0004

Using the following to set up your firm name parameters for your input record, then set the Alternate Lookup option described in the following section to enable matching to a firm name

Batch Processing

Use the FIRMNM parameter card.

Integrator Series API

Use the szFirmName element of the Input Address Block in the GTXINPUT parameter structure.

Callable Functions

Use the MIA-FIRM-NAME field in the Input Address Block of the Matcher Input Area.