Geographic determination and confidence levels - GeoTAX_Premium - 7.7

GeoTAX Premium for Windows, UNIX/Linux, and z/OS

Product type
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Geo Addressing
GeoTAX Premium
Product name
GeoTAX Premium
GeoTAX Premium for Windows, UNIX/Linux, and z/OS
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This section describes the option to have GeoTAX compare a point to some other geographic entity and return data that describes that spatial relationship. The optional information returned can include:

The types of data files that can be used for the comparison include:

The rest of the section covers these topics in more detail and explains how to implement geographic determination functionality and the reporting features.

Confidence levels

After an address has been cleansed and a geocode has been assigned for the location, a confidence level can optionally be computed and returned. The confidence level provides the percentage overlap of a geocode to a polygon layer. The polygon layer can be specified as a boundary (e.g. Special Purpose Districts), a user-defined geography layer, or a place, county or county subdivision. The returned percentage value describes the probability that a point falls in the comparison area. This addresses an often typical problem of whether or not an address falls inside a specific area.

Confidence surface types

To determine a confidence level, a confidence surface is first generated. The confidence surface provides the smallest possible area wherein an address is likely to be located. Based on the GeoTAX location code, a buffer is build around a given location that indicates the confidence surface that will contain it. If the match is a ZIP Code-level match, then the ZIP Code boundary itself is used as the confidence surface. The reported surface types that can be generated and reported include:

  • Intersection confidence-surface

  • Interpolated street segment

  • Point level match

  • State confidence-surface

  • County confidence-surface

  • City confidence-surface

  • ZIP Code confidence-surface

  • ZIP+2 Code confidence-surface

  • ZIP+4 Code confidence-surface

  • Street centroid confidence-surface

Use the following to view the status of the confidence-generation process and the returned confidence surface type:

Batch processing

Refer to the Location for 2-byte Confidence Type field specified in the CNFOUT parameter card.

Integrator Series API

Refer to the szConfSurfaceType element in the GTXOUTPUT Output Structure.

Callable Functions

Refer to the MOA-SURFACE-TYPE field in the Matcher Output Area (MOA).

Boundary files

An address can be compared to a boundary file and report the probability that a point falls in the comparison area. When the boundary confidence option is enabled, a confidence level is returned for the input address. The following boundary files are supported:

Note: The boundary file will first need to be loaded and set up for use in matching. For more information, see Loading GeoTAX Data.
Note: In order to get confidence returns when using Boundary files, the input buffer distance must be specified. See Specifying a buffer distance in a boundary search.

Special Purpose Districts

When matching to an SPD boundary file, use the following to enable the return of boundary confidence levels:

Batch processing

Use the Output location for 3-byte SPD Confidence Code field in the SPDOUT parameter card.

Integrator Series API

Use the cBoundaryConfidence element in the GTXINPUT parameter structure prior to calling GTXMatchAddress.

Callable Functions

Use the MCA-BOUNDARY-CONF field in the Matcher Control Area prior to Calling the GTMATCH program.

Use the following to view the returned SPD boundary confidence levels:

Batch processing

Refer to the Output location for 3-byte SPD Confidence Code field specified in the SPDOUT parameter card.

Integrator Series API

Refer to the szBoundConfidence element in the GTXOUTPUT Output Structure.

Callable Functions

Refer to the MOA-CONF-BND field in the Matcher Output Area (MOA).

Insurance Premium Districts

When matching to an IPD boundary file, use the following to enable the return of boundary confidence levels:

Batch processing

Use the Output location for 3-byte IPD Confidence Code field in the IPDOUT parameter card.

Integrator Series API

Use the cBoundaryConfidence element in the GTXINPUT parameter structure prior to calling GTXMatchAddress.

Callable Functions

Use the MCA-BOUNDARY-CONF field in the Matcher Control Area prior to Calling the GTMATCH program.

Use the following to view the returned IPD boundary confidence levels:

Batch processing

Refer to the Output location for 3-byte IPD Confidence Code field specified in the IPDOUT parameter card.

Integrator Series API

Refer to the szBoundConfidence element in the GTXOUTPUT Output Structure.

Callable Functions

Refer to the MOA-CONF-BND field in the Matcher Output Area (MOA).

Payroll Districts

When matching to a PAY boundary file, use the following to enable the return of Payroll Districts boundary confidence levels:

Batch processing

Use the Output location for 3-byte PAY Confidence Code field in the PAYOUT parameter card.

Integrator Series API

Use the cBoundaryConfidence element in the GTXINPUT parameter structure prior to calling GTXMatchAddress.

Callable Functions

Use the MCA-BOUNDARY-CONF field in the Matcher Control Area prior to Calling the GTMATCH program.

Use the following to view the returned PAY boundary confidence levels:

Batch processing

Refer to the Output location for 3-byte PAY Confidence Code field specified in the PAYOUT parameter card.

Integrator Series API

Refer to the szBoundConfidence element in the GTXOUTPUT Output Structure.

Callable Functions

Refer to the MOA-CONF-BND field in the Matcher Output Area (MOA).

User-defined Boundary file

An address can be compared to a user-defined boundary file. When the boundary confidence option is enabled, a confidence level is returned for each input address. Refer to the directions in User-Defined Boundary File to download and set up matching to this file.

Use the following to enable the return of confidence levels:

Batch processing

Use the Output location for 3-byte USR Confidence Code field in the USROUT parameter card.

Integrator Series API

Use the cUserBoundaryConfidence element in the GTXINPUT parameter structure prior to calling GTXMatchAddress.

Callable Functions

Use the MCA-USER-BOUNDARY-CONF field in the Matcher Control Area prior to Calling the GTMATCH program.

Use the following to view the returned boundary confidence levels:

Batch processing

Refer to the Output location for 3-byte USR Confidence Code field specified in the USROUT parameter card.

Integrator Series API

Refer to the szUserBoundConfidence element in the GTXOUTPUT Output Structure.

Callable Functions

Refer to the MOA-CONF-USER-BND field in the Matcher Output Area (MOA).

Local Jurisdiction files

Place file

An address can be compared to a place file (place.txb is supplied with the GeoTAX install). When the place confidence option is enabled, a confidence level is returned for each input address.

Use the following to enable the return of place confidence levels:

Batch processing

Use the Output location for 3-byte Place Confidence Code field in the CNFOUT parameter card.

Integrator Series API

Use the cPlaceConfidence element in the GTXINPUT parameter structure prior to calling GTXMatchAddress.

Callable Functions

Use the MCA-PLACE-CONF field in the Matcher Control Area prior to Calling the GTMATCH program.

Use the following to view the returned boundary confidence levels:

Batch processing

Refer to the Output location for 3-byte Place Confidence Code field specified in the CNFOUT parameter card.

Integrator Series API

Refer to the szPlaceConfidence element in the GTXOUTPUT Output Structure.

Callable Functions

Refer to the MOA-CONF-PLACE field in the Matcher Output Area (MOA).

County file

An address can be compared to a county file (counties.gsb is supplied with the GeoTAX install). When the county confidence option is enabled, a confidence level is returned for each input address.

Use the following to enable the return of county confidence levels:

Batch processing

Use the Output location for 3-byte County Confidence Code field in the CNFOUT parameter card.

Integrator Series API

Use the cCountyConfidence element in the GTXINPUT parameter structure prior to calling GTXMatchAddress.

Callable Functions

Use the MCA-COUNTY-CONF field in the Matcher Control Area prior to Calling the GTMATCH program.

Use the following to view the returned boundary confidence levels:

Batch processing

Refer to the Output location for 3-byte County Confidence Code field specified in the CNFOUT parameter card.

Integrator Series API

Refer to the szCountyConfidence element in the GTXOUTPUT Output Structure.

Callable Functions

Refer to the MOA-CONF-COUNTY field in the Matcher Output Area (MOA).

Minor Civil Division/County subdivision file

An address can be compared to a Minor Civil Division (MCD)/county subdivision file (cousub.txb is supplied with the GeoTAX install). When the MCD confidence option is enabled, a confidence level is returned for each input address.

Use the following to enable the return of MCD confidence level:

Batch processing

Use the Output location for 3-byte MCD Confidence Code field in the CNFOUT parameter card.

Integrator Series API

Use the cCousubConfidence element in the GTXINPUT parameter structure prior to calling GTXMatchAddress.

Callable Functions

Use the MCA-COUSUB-CONF field in the Matcher Control Area prior to Calling the GTMATCH program.

Use the following to view the returned MCD confidence level:

Batch processing

Refer to the Output location for 3-byte MCD Confidence Code field specified in the CNFOUT parameter card.

Integrator Series API

Refer to the szMCDConfidence element in the GTXOUTPUT Output Structure.

Callable Functions

Refer to the MOA-CONF-COUSUB field in the Matcher Output Area (MOA).