The next type of information you define is the layout and content of the records that GeoTAX writes to the output files. You specify locations, lengths, and sometimes formats for the following types of data elements:
Latitude and longitude information
Core Based Statistical Area codes (CBSAs) and names
Minor Civil Divisions (MCDs)/Census County Divisions (CCDs) codes and names
Census codes, such as state, county, place, Census Tract, Block Group, and Block ID
Tax rate data such as state, county and municipality sales and use tax rates when using the optional Precisely Tax Rate reference file
User-defined information stored in the Landmark Auxiliary or User Auxiliary files
You define some or all of these parameter records, as shown in the highlighted area in the example screenshot below, depending on your processing requirements.
Parameter Record |
Description |
Post output (normalized or standardized) Address Elements to your output records. |
Post output Address Lines and Last Line elements to your output records. |
Specifies the data elements to post in the GTBMARC file other than latitude and longitude coordinates (for import to a mapping application). |
Specifies the location and length of data to post (on the output record) from the user-defined Auxiliary file. |
Set the buffering distance and post the buffering information from the user-defined boundary file to your output records. |
Set the buffering distance and post buffering information from a boundary file (PAY, SPD, and IPD) to your output records. |
Post CBSA names and codes to your output records. |
Calculate and post Confidence Codes, Place Code status and distance to your output records. |
Calculate and post the distance between two sets of latitude/longitude coordinates. |
Post the matched geographic codes to your output records, including FIPS state and county codes, Census Tract, Block Group, Block ID, state abbreviation, and county name. |
Post matched data from the optionally-licensed Insurance Premium District (IPD) file to your output records. |
Allows GeoTAX to provide a way to specify the posting of additional Insurance Premium Tax District (IPD) data to your output records to enhance tax jurisdiction assignment. |
Post the matched latitude/longitudes to your output records. Also allows you to set latitude/longitude formats and matching levels (street level or postal level). |
Post the MCD/CCD names and codes to your output records. |
Allows you to rearrange pieces of the output record before it is written to the output file. |
Post matched data from the optionally-licensed Payroll Tax District (PAY) file to your output records. |
Post Place Codes and names to your output records. |
Post matched data from the Payroll Tax Correspondence (PTC) file to your output records. |
Post matched data from the optionally-licensed Special Purpose Tax District (SPD) file to your output records. |
Post additional data from the State-supplied database (either Florida-native or TS-158 format) to your output records. |
Post tax rate data from the optionally-licensed Precisely Sales and Use Tax Rate file to your output records. |
Post district information from the User-Defined Boundary file to your output records. |