TS-158 Formatted Files - GeoTAX_Premium - 7.7

GeoTAX Premium for Windows, UNIX/Linux, and z/OS

Product type
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Geo Addressing
GeoTAX Premium
Product name
GeoTAX Premium
GeoTAX Premium for Windows, UNIX/Linux, and z/OS
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In addition to the Florida-native formatted files, you can obtain the TS-158 formatted files from the Florida Department of Revenue, which maintains a statewide database of address and taxing jurisdiction data. The Florida Department of Revenue compiles the database based on county.

Step 1: Download the TS-158 Formatted Files

  1. Download the files from the Florida website athttps://pointmatch.state.fl.us/General/AddressFiles.aspx.

    Select the Ranges option for the Effective Date.

  2. Unzip and extract the downloaded files.

    Note: Non-PC-based platforms: convert the download files to a fixed-length file with a record length of 241 bytes. ASCII-based platforms: FTP in binary format.
  3. Combine the county files into a single file if you downloaded more than one county. If you downloaded the entire state list, you have approximately 67 files. To combine the files, open a DOS window, change the directory to the location where you extracted the files, then execute the following command:

copy /b *.txt G1TSMAL.DAT

Step 2: Load the TS-158 Formatted Files

On Windows:

  1. Click Start > Programs > Precisely > GeoTAX > Database Load Utility.

    The GeoTAX Database Load Utility dialog box opens.


  2. Select the State supplied TS-158 format file option.

  3. To complete the loading process, follow the instructions provided by the utility.

The program installs the TS-158 file in the database location for GeoTAX.

On UNIX/Linux:

  1. Copy the data in the $G1GTX/data subdirectory.

  2. Change to the $G1GTX/bin subdirectory.

  3. Run the installation script installdb.

  4. Select State Supplied Master File (TS-158 Format).

  5. To complete the loading process, follow the instructions provided by the script.

On z/OS:

  1. Modify the following STLOAD2 member variable in the INSTALL library as needed:

    • yourhlq - your high-level qualifier

    • yourRTlib - Runtime Library in effect at your site

    • volume - VSAM DASD pack volser

  2. Insert a job card for STLOAD2 and submit.

Ensure the G1GTGST, G1GTGSN, and G1GTGSD file definition variables are defined.

Step 3: Match to the State-Supplied Databases

Depending on your matching request, GeoTAX first attempts to match to the Landmark Auxiliary file and/or User Auxiliary file before attempting to match to a state-supplied file.

To match to a state-supplied database in batch processing, modify the CONFIG parameter. Records matched to a state database contain the return code 'G' for Government. You can also tell GeoTAX to return additional data from a state database using the STEOUT parameter record in your batch job.

For more information, see the CONFIG (page 203) and STEOUT (page 240) parameters.