Florida-Native Formatted Files - GeoTAX_Premium - 7.7

GeoTAX Premium for Windows, UNIX/Linux, and z/OS

Product type
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Geo Addressing
GeoTAX Premium
Product name
GeoTAX Premium
GeoTAX Premium for Windows, UNIX/Linux, and z/OS
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You can obtain the Florida-native files from the Florida Department of Revenue, which maintains a statewide database of address and taxing jurisdiction data. The Florida Department of Revenue compiles the database based on county.

Step 1: Download the Florida-Native Formatted Files

  1. Download the files from the Florida website at: https://pointmatch.state.fl.us/General/AddressFiles.aspx.

  2. Unzip and extract the downloaded files.

  3. Combine the county files into a single file if you downloaded more than one county. If you downloaded the entire state list, you have approximately 67 files. To combine the files, open a DOS window, change the directory to the location where you extracted the files, then execute the following command:

copy /b *.csv G1FLMAL.DAT

Step 2: Load the Florida-Native Formatted Files

On Windows:

  1. Click Start > Programs > Precisely > GeoTAX > Database Load Utility.

    The GeoTAX Database Load Utility dialog box opens.


  2. Select the State supplied Florida format file option.

  3. To complete the loading process, follow the instructions provided by the utility.

The program installs the Florida-native file in the database location for GeoTAX.

On UNIX/Linux:

  1. Copy the combined data file to the $G1GTX/data subdirectory.

  2. Change to the $G1GTX/bin subdirectory.

  3. Run the installation script installdb.

  4. Select State Supplied Master File (Florida Format).

  5. To complete the loading process, follow the instructions provided by the script.


On z/OS:

  1. Modify the following STLOAD member variable in the INSTALL library as needed:

    • yourhlq - your high-level qualifier

    • yourRTlib - Runtime Library in effect at your site

    • volume - VSAM DASD pack volser

  2. Insert a job card for STLOAD and submit.

  3. Ensure the G1GTSST, G1GTSSN, and G1GTSSD file definition variables are defined.