The boundary files are optionally licensed from Precisely. There are several types of boundary files: Special Purpose District (SPD), Insurance Premium District (IPD), and Payroll Tax Districts (PAY).
If you have licensed a boundary file option from Precisely, you receive the appropriate boundary file on separate media.
Step 1: Load the Boundary File
On Windows:
Go to Start > Programs > Precisely > GeoTAX > Database Load Utility.
The GeoTAX Database Load Utility dialog box displays.
Select the Boundary file radio button.
Follow the instructions provided by the utility to complete the loading process.
The program installs the boundary file in the database location for GeoTAX.
On UNIX/Linux:
Change directory (cd) to the $G1GTX/bin subdirectory.
Run the installation script installdb.
Select Boundary File.
To complete the loading process, follow the instructions provided by the script.
The load program installs the boundary files - spd.txb, ipd.txb, and/or pay.txb - in the database location for GeoTAX.
On z/OS:
Modify the variables as indicated in the member. In addition, modify to remove/include only the files you want.
Note: This JCL will create and upload files to your mainframe.
Insert a job card and submit.
The program produces database files in the format: where xxx = SPD, IPD or PAY.
Step 2: Match to the Boundary File
To use a boundary file in your batch job fill out the appropriate parameter: IPDOUT, SPDOUT, or PAYOUT. GeoTAX determines the latitude/longitude coordinates and uses that data to determine if the address is located in a boundary file. If so, the data specified on the IPDOUT, SPDOUT, or PAYOUT parameter is posted to your output records.
For more information, see the IPDOUT (page 220), SPDOUT (page 239), and PAYOUT (page 232) parameters.