GeoTAX Data - GeoTAX_Premium - 7.7

GeoTAX Premium for Windows, UNIX/Linux, and z/OS

Product type
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Geo Addressing
GeoTAX Premium
Product name
GeoTAX Premium
GeoTAX Premium for Windows, UNIX/Linux, and z/OS
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GeoTAX Premium provides you with several different databases, along with the ability to include additional data files to match against your input addresses. The following table contains information on the GeoTAX databases. For more information on using these databases, see Loading GeoTAX Data.

Data file


Master Files

The master files identify all geographic components associated with a street address, such as the latitude/longitude, census tract, and block group.

The master files expire at the end of four months after the vintage date of the files. For example, January data expires at the end of May.

State-Supplied Files

GeoTAX Premium provides you with the ability to override, at the state level, match results based upon information supplied by the states. By matching to state-supplied files, you can remain compliant with tax jurisdiction assignment requirements mandated by new federal and state laws.

There are two file formats supported in GeoTAX: the Florida-native format, and the national TS-158 format (ANSI Transaction Set No. 158). The state of Florida provides address files in both the TS-158 and its own native format.

Note: This database option may not be available to all GeoTAX users. Individual states may restrict the use of state-supplied address files to licensed communications carriers or other business entities registered with the individual state.

Payroll Tax Correspondence Files

The Payroll Tax Correspondence file is a customizable file used to convert the multiple jurisdictions returned by GeoTAX into tax codes usable by your organization.

Precisely provides PTC files for most major payroll companies. Please contact your Precisely Sales Executive for information on the PTC files available.

Landmark Auxiliary File

The Landmark Auxiliary File provides you a way to specify customized address information in your input records.The recommended primary use of this file is to match to your company’s non-address locations such as well heads, transmission towers or any other descriptive location.The latitude/longitude coordinates that are part of the input needed to build this file allow companies to automatically keep track of any jurisdictional changes that affect these unique locations.

GeoTAX Auxiliary File

Occasionally new or updated data is available for individual records where the data has not yet been included in the GeoTAX master files. GeoTAX uses its own auxiliary file to incorporate the changes. This database is updated monthly and is published as a downloadable file for all licensed users.

User Auxiliary File

The User Auxiliary file provides a means for you to override the answers supplied by the street databases in street-level matching. If you have data that is more current than that in the master files, you can enter the new data into the User Auxiliary file and use it for your address matching. GeoTAX returns matches made with a code that signifies the answer came from the User Auxiliary file. You can also return supplemental data from the User Auxiliary file with the match.

Boundary Files

You can optionally license boundary files from Precisely to receive additional data, including Special Purpose Districts (SPD), Insurance Premium Districts (IPD), and Payroll Tax Districts (PAY) files. Precisely provides you with the appropriate boundary file on separate media if you license any of the optional files.

•The Special Purpose Districts (SPD) file provides you with return data on special purpose tax districts. Special purpose tax districts include such districts as regional transit areas and metropolitan football districts. SPD files expire five months after the vintage date of the files. You can override the expiration and allow matches to an expired database through the CONFIG parameter.

•The Insurance Premium Districts (IPD) file can help your company comply with state legislation that requires insurance companies to pay tax on insurance premiums for policies within the state.

•The Payroll Tax Districts (PAY) file can help your company comply with state legislation that requires employers to deduct taxes from employee paychecks for special districts, such as taxes for emergency municipal services districts.

User-Defined Boundary Files

You can create user-defined boundary files that include your own boundary information. Using these files, you can set a buffer distance for the boundaries defined in the files. For information on creating your own boundary file, see the Boundary File Conversion Utility User’s Guide.

Precisely Sales and Use Tax Rate file

You can optionally license the Precisely Sales and Use Tax Rate file to supply sales and/or use tax rate data for the general, automotive, construction or medical industries. Tax rates can be provided for the state, county, municipality and up to 10 SPDs as well as a combined tax rate of the individual sales or use tax rates.

Cross-Reference File

GeoTAX Premium provides you with the ability to use a cross-references file that maps the returned taxing jurisdictions from GeoTAX to the proprietary codes used by Sovos.

Point Data

You can optionally license Precisely Point Data products including Master Location Data (MLD), Centrus Points, HERE Points, and TomTom Points. The points data provides point-level geocoding for the most accurate placement of addresses throughout the U.S.