These instructions assume that you are familiar with modifying the CICS environment; if you are not, please ask a CICS systems programmer for assistance.
GeoTAX Premium supports CICS Transaction Server v5.2 and above. Interactive components are not compatible with any prior releases of GeoTAX and cannot co-exist in the same CICS region or load library with prior releases.
The execution load library contains the load modules required for the interactive system. The JCL library (yourhlq.GEOTAX.CNTL) contains the JCL for updating the CSD entries. Installing the interactive system in CICS requires the following steps, described below:
Install the resource definitions.
Install the customization file, if one exists for this product.
Define the product loadlib to CICS.
Execute the CICS system.
Step 1: Install Resource Definitions
For CICS Transaction Server v5.2 and above, modify the member GTXCSD as follows:
Modify the GTXCSD member according to the instructions within the member.
Submit the job and check the output.
Step 2: Define the Product Loadlib to CICS
Add the load library unloaded above to the DFHRPL concatenation. On the next startup of that CICS region, the interactive system should be available.
Step 3: Execute the Interactive System
You are ready to execute the interactive system. From a blank CICS screen, enter the transaction name (G1GT).
Be sure to make copies of your programs, or recycle your CICS region to pick up the fixes and run the driver transaction to test the new programs.