In the following example, GeoTAX will:
Store the place code beginning in position 154.
Store the place name beginning in position 160.
If there is no answer for place code, store blanks (B).
Store the class code beginning in position 123.
Store the incorporation flag in position 128.
Store the last annexed date, last updated date, and last verified date in positions 200, 230, and 240, respectively.
Store the GeoTAX key beginning in position 301 and its match attempt return code in position 300.
A partial match (or better) is required in order to post the GeoTAX key (P); use zero-filled for default type matching (Z).
If the place is unincorporated, reduce the GeoTAX key to the default level (Y).
Return the GeoTAX key from Sovos file (T).
Store the GNIS code beginning in position 310.
PCOUT 154 160 B 123 128 200 230 240 301 300 P Z Y T 310