FILEDF identifies and describes your input and output files and tells GeoTAX how to handle each read and write operation.
GeoTAX generates the following names for the input/output FILEDF parameter records.
GTBMNAM contains the input data file name.
GTBMCOK contains the output coded OK records.
GTBMPLC contains the output place-coded records (contains non-zero place codes).
GTBMNCO contains the output non-coded records.
GTBMARC contains the output records in a format readable by most mapping applications, such as ESRI's ArcView.
GTBMPRM contains all the parameter records for your job.
Note: Although GeoTAX defines its own names on the FILEDF record, you specify your file names in the
job setup file. GeoTAX does not overwrite, delete, or rename your files.