The following table describes each field of CNFOUT.
Position |
Field Name |
Description |
Comments |
1-6 |
Parameter name: CNFOUT |
Required |
8-10 |
Location for 2-byte Confidence Surface Type |
Confidence Surface types: 0 Undefined 1 The search failed - address was not found 2 Intersection confidence-surface generated 3 Interpolated street segment 4 Point level match 5 State confidence-surface generated 6 County confidence-surface generated 7 City confidence-surface generated 8 Reserved 9 A ZIP confidence-surface generated 10 A ZIP+2 confidence-surface generated 11 A ZIP+4 confidence-surface generated 12 Reserved 13 A street centroid confidence-surface generated |
Optional |
12-14 |
Location for 3-byte Place Confidence level |
Output number is percentage confidence |
Optional |
16-18 |
Location for 3-byte MCD Confidence level |
Output number is percentage confidence |
Optional |
20-22 |
Location for 10-byte Place Point Status and distance |
9-byte distance of the point to the polygon and the 1-byte status of the point: P Point in the polygon. I Point in the buffer inside the polygon. B Point in the buffer, outside of the polygon. blank Polygon not found. |
Optional |
24-26 |
Location for 10-byte MCD Point Status and distance |
9-byte distance of the point to the polygon and the 1-byte status of the point: P Point in the polygon. I Point in the buffer inside the polygon. B Point in the buffer, outside of the polygon. blank Polygon not found. |
Optional |
28-30 |
Location for 3-byte County Confidence level |
Output number is percentage confidence. |
Optional |