By default, GeoTAX posts latitude and longitude coordinates determined as a result of a match to the GTBMARC file. (You use the FILEDF parameter to tell GeoTAX you want a GTBMARC file.) The ARCOUT parameter record allows you to specify data, in addition to the latitude and longitude, that GeoTAX posts to the GTBMARC output records. You can specify up to 25 ARCOUT parameter records, with each ARCOUT parameter record specifying only one output field. Using ARCOUT, you can specify the location and length of data from the GTBMCOK output file to be copied to the GTBMARC file.
Latitude is the first field posted in each record, followed by longitude. Each field is comma-delimited unless you specify another delimiter in the FILEDF parameter. You can use the GTBMARC output file as input to your own mapping application, such as MapInfo Professional.