GetGTXKey returns a GeoTAX key from the GeoTAX database file. The key identifies the taxing jurisdiction for the corresponding input address.
GetGTXKey (&stGTXAddr, szGTXKey, lFixedString);
GEOTAXADDRESS stGTXAddr; /* input address information (see below) */
char *szGTXKey; /* 9-character GeoTAX key */
long lFixedString; /* String termination flag */
Input Structure
Elements |
Data Type |
Description |
szAddrLine1 |
char[100+1] |
Primary address line. |
szAddrLine2 |
char[100+1] |
Secondary address line. |
szAddrLine3 |
char[100+1] |
Tertiary address line. |
szCity |
char[50+1] |
City Line. |
szState |
char[50+1] |
State line. |
szZIP |
char[9+1] |
9-digit ZIP Code. |
Code Example
#include "GeoTAX.h"
char szGTXKey [9+1];
long lFixedString
long lReturnCode
strcopy (stGTXAddr.szAddrLine1, "4200 Parliament Pl");
strcopy (stGTXAddr.szAddrLine2, "Suite 600");
strcopy (stGTXAddr.szAddrLine3, "");
strcopy (stGTXAddr.szCity, "Lanham");
strcopy (stGTXAddr.szState, "MD");
strcopy (stGTXAddr.szZIP, "207061844");
lFixedString = 0;
lReturnCode = GetGeoTAXKey (&stGTXAddr, szGTXKey, lFixedString);
if (lReturnCode == GTXAPI_SUCCESS)
printf ("The GeoTAX key is '%s'", szGTXKey);