GTXMatchAddress is a function that allows you to match an input address to the GeoTAX database. It returns matching latitude/longitude coordinates as well as other geocoding data from the system.
GTXMatchAddress (&stGTXIn, &stGTXOut, lFixedString);
GTXINPUT stGTXIn; /* input structure for GTXINPUT (see below) */
GTXOUTPUT stGTXOut; /* output structure for GTXOUTPUT (see below) */
long lFixedString; /* String termination flag */
Input Structure
Elements |
Data Type |
Description |
cFunctionReq |
char |
Matcher control function: B Called from batch process. C Return state/county audit stats. E Close files, end program. O Called from on-line process. Note: Any other value is treated as B.
cFirstLetterOpt |
char |
First Letter Expanded option: Y Enable extra processing for bad (missing, wrong, etc.) first letter. N No extra processing. (default) Note: Any other value is treated as N.
cStreetCentroidOpt |
char |
Street Centroid option: Y Enable matching to a street segment and provides a return of street segment centroid information. N Normal matching to range only and not segment. (default) Note: Any other value is treated as N.
cAddressRangeOpt |
char |
Ranged Address option: Y Enable matching of house range input. N No range input matching. (default) Note: Any other value is treated as N.
cAltLookupOpt |
char |
Alternate Lookup option: 1 Prefer street match over firm match. 2 Prefer firm match over street match. 3 Match to address line only. (default) Note: Any other value is treated as 3.
cMatchMode |
char |
Match Mode option: 0 Enable 'Exact address match mode. 1 Enable 'Close' address match mode. (default) 2 Enable 'Relaxed' address match mode. Note: Any other value is treated as 1.
cFallBackGeoOpt |
char |
Fall back Geographic option: Y Find the first city and/or state centroid match from the set of possible matches found. N No geographic centroid search. (default) Note: Any other value is treated as N.
cSearchAreaOpt |
char |
Search Area option: 1 Search entire finance area for a match. (default) 2 Search a given radius but stay in state (this option requires an input radius set by szSearchRadius (below). Note: Any other value is treated as 1.
szSearchRadius |
char[9+1] |
Radius for Search Area; used in conjunction with cSearchAreaOpt (above) when it is set to '2': 1-99 miles; value must be right-justified, padded with zeroes to left. (25 miles default) Note: A space or any non-numeric value will be treated as a
cCacheSize |
char |
Specifies relative cache size to be used in address matching. Controls the amount of memory that is allocated to store temporary street data during address processing. A smaller cache may slow the performance. A cache size of 2 gives best performance, but uses more memory. 0 Smallest memory usage. 1 Middle memory usage. 2 Largest memory usage. (default) Note: Any other value is treated as 2.
cAddrPtInterpOpt |
char |
Address Point Interpolation option (only for use with point level geocoding): Y Enables address point interpolation. N No address point interpolation. (default) Note: Any other value is treated as N.
cBoundaryConfidence |
char |
Indicates if a confidence code for a boundary match is returned: Y Return Boundary confidence levels. N Do not return boundary confidence levels. (default) Note: Any other value is treated as N.
cUserBoundaryConfidence |
char |
Indicates if a confidence code for a user boundary match is returned: Y Return User boundary confidence levels. N Do not return user boundary confidence levels. (default) Note: Any other value is treated as N.
cPlaceConfidence |
char |
Indicates if a confidence code for a place match is returned: Y Return place confidence levels. N Do not return place confidence levels. (default). Note: Any other value is treated as N.
cCousubConfidence |
char |
Indicates if a confidence code for a county subdivision match is returned: Y Return county subdivision confidence levels. N Do not return county subdivision confidence levels. (default) Note: Any other value is treated as N.
cCountyConfidence |
char |
Indicates if a confidence code for a county match is returned: Y Return county confidence levels. N Do not return county confidence levels. (default). Note: Any other value is treated as N.
cLatLongInput |
char |
Indicates if a latitude/longitude coordinate is input rather than an address or ZIP Code (only select output will be available): Y Latitude/longitude will be used to return select output N Address and lastline info will be used to return output. (default) Note: Any other value is treated as N.
cGetMultiple |
char |
For a multi-match outcome, indicates which match result should be returned; valid values are 1-9. Note: Any non-numeric value will be ignored.
cBoundaryCacheSize |
char |
The relative size of cache for boundary file matching: 0 No caching 1 Medium cache (default) 2 Large cache 3 Very large cache Note: Any other value is treated as 1.
cAcceptMultiples |
char |
Indicates whether address information should be returned in a multi-match outcome: Y Accept multiples and return 1st match information in multi-match list. N Do not accept multiples and return information. (default) Note: Any other value is treated as N.
cDbOverride |
char |
Override checking for expiration date. Y Check for expiration date. |
szBoundaryBuffDist |
char[9+1] |
Boundary buffer distance. Value must be zero padded. Example: '000005280'. |
szUserBoundBuffDist |
char[9+1] |
User-defined Boundary file buffer distance. Value must be zero padded. Example: '000005280'. |
cUserBoundMatch |
char |
User boundary match indicator. U User-defined Boundary file Tax District |
cPayTaxCorrMatch |
char |
PTC file matching indicator. Y Match to PTC file. |
cGTXAuxMatch |
char |
GeoTAX Auxiliary file matching indicator. Y Match to GeoTAX Auxiliary file. |
cAuxMatch |
char |
Indicates if the user Auxiliary file is used for matching. Y Attempt to match to the User Auxiliary file. N Do not use the User Auxiliary file. (default) |
cStateMatch |
char |
Indicates if the State-supplied file is used for matching. Y Attempt to match to State-supplied file. (default) N Do not use the State-supplied file. |
cStateOrder |
char |
Indicates which State-supplied file is to be used for address matching, and in the case of both, what the order of searching should be: A Use only the Florida-native formatted file. (default) B Use only the TS-158 formatted file. C Use both formats and search Florida-native first. D Use both formats and search TS-158 first. Note: Any other value is treated as A. Valid checking is done
only when State matching is on.
cBoundaryMatch |
char |
Indicates if boundary match call should be made and which file to use: S Yes, file will be Special Purpose Tax Districts File I Yes, file will be Insurance Premium Districts File R Yes, file will be Payroll Tax Districts File Y Yes, file will be determined by data read (for non-batch) N No, do not call (default) |
szIOModuleNam |
char[8+1] |
Generic I/O routine name to call. If left blank, GeoTAX utilizes I/O routines provided with the product. Program names may differ according to platform. |
cFLRelaxSecInd |
char |
Indicates if the application enables matching to the Florida state file without requiring a match on secondary: Y Relax secondary matching. N Do not relax secondary matching. (default) Note: Any other value is treated as N.
cLatLongSqueeze |
char |
Indicates if the application enables a Lat/Long squeeze: Y Apply squeeze to Lat/Long. (default) N Do not apply squeeze. Note: Any other value is treated as Y.
cTaxRate |
char |
PB Tax Rate matching indicator. Indicates whether to enable tax rate matching and the type of tax rate to return: G Enable tax rate matching and return general rates. A Enable tax rate matching and return automotive rates. M Enable tax rate matching and return medical rates. C Enable tax rat matching and return construction rates. N or Blank Disable tax rate matching. (default) Note: Any other value returns zeros in the tax rate output
cStreetMatch |
char |
Street match indicator field. Y Use the street matcher. (default) N Do not use the street matcher. Note: Any other value is treated as Y.
cCasing |
char |
Indicates if name fields are in mixed case. Y Yes N No (default). Note: Any other value is treated as N.
cZIPCentroidSrc |
char |
Unused |
cGTXKeyDet |
char |
Attempt GeoTAX key determination: T Attempt to determine information associated with GeoTAX Sovos application. V Return the key using the Precisely Vertex file. N Do not attempt to determine information associated with GeoTAX application. Note: Any other value is treated as N.
cLatLongAltFmt |
char |
Latitude/longitude alternate format: A 090000000N180000000W (default) B 090.000000N180.000000W C 90.000000-180.000000 D 90000000-180000000 Note: Any other value is treated as A.
cLatLongOffset |
char |
Latitude/longitude offset field. Value supplied will be used to calculate the offset for the street segment. A No offsetting to be done B 20 feet offset from street segment C 40 feet offset from street segment (default) D 60 feet offset from street segment Note: Any other value is treated as C.
cLatLongSrc |
char |
Unused |
szZIP |
char[9+1] |
Input ZIP+4 Code to match against the database. |
szCity |
char[50+1] |
Input city name. |
szState |
char[50+1] |
Input state name. |
szAddrLine1 |
char[100+1] |
Input address line 1. |
szAddrLine2 |
char[100+1] |
Input address line 2. |
szAddrLine3 |
char[100+1] |
Input address line 3. |
szFirmName |
char[100+1] |
Input firm name. |
szAddrBlk2 |
char[100+1] |
Input address block line 2. If country, ZIP/postal code, city, or state/county input fields are blank or invalid, this area is searched for those values. |
szAddrBlk3 |
char[100+1] |
Input address block line 3. If country, ZIP/postal code, city, or state/county input fields are blank or invalid, this area is searched for those values. |
szInputLatitude |
char[11+1] |
Input latitude. Required format:00.000000 or without the decimal point 00000000 |
szInputLongitude |
char[11+1] |
Input longitude. Required format:000.000000 or without the decimal point 000000000; or00.000000 or without the decimal point 00000000 |
szLicenseFilePath |
char[72+1] |
License file path and name. |
szLicenseFilePswd |
char[8+1} |
License file password. |
Output Structure
Element |
Data Type |
Description |
szAbendRC |
char[2+1] |
Return code from matcher abnormal termination. The first character indicates the file (or set of files affected. Blank Matcher terminated normally A User Auxiliary file problem CE cousub.txb file problem CI Confidence engine problem D Boundary file problem F User Boundary file problem G Address Matching engine problem L Licensing problem S State file problem U GeoTAX Auxiliary file problem X Combination of street and state file problem Z zip.gsb file problem The second position is: E Fatal issue, program terminating F Expired database I Informational |
szAbendTxt |
char[80+1] |
Text description of matcher abnormal termination;" " if matcher terminated normally. |
szWarnRC |
char[2+1] |
Warning return code; " " if no warnings issued. |
szWarnTxt |
char[80+1] |
Text description of warning. |
szSWDesc |
char[30+1] |
Matching software description. |
szRelModNum |
char[8+1] |
Matching software release number and modification level. |
szTaxRateVint |
char[20+1] |
Precisely Sales and Use Tax Rate file vintage. |
szTaxRateVer |
char[40+1] |
Precisely Sales and Use Tax Rate file software create version. |
szAdvVint |
char[20+1] |
Unused. |
szAdvVer |
char[40+1] |
Unused. |
szStreetVint |
char[20+1] |
Unused. |
szStreetVer |
char[40+1] |
Unused. |
szGTXVint |
char[20+1] |
Tax Cross Reference File vintage. |
szGTXVer |
char[40+1] |
Tax Cross reference file software create version. |
cStateInd |
char |
1-byte field indicating the source of the State-supplied file: F Florida state data N National format data. |
szStateVint |
char[8+1] |
8-byte field in MM/DD/YY format, indicating the data the state-supplied file was created. |
szStateVer |
char[8+1] |
8-byte field indicating the version of the GeoTAX master file that created the State-supplied files. In Rnn.nMnn format. |
cGenRC |
char |
General return codes: 5 ZIP Code match 9 ZIP+4 Code match A User Auxiliary file match C Street Centroid match F Fallback Geographic match G State-supplied file match I Intersection match L Landmark Auxiliary file match M Multiple match (multi-match) O Input Lat/Long coordinates match P Address point match S Street address match U GeoTAX Auxiliary file match X Aborted processing or expired database blank Did not match Note: GeoTAX attempts matches to files in the following order:
Landmark Auxiliary File, User Auxiliary File, state-supplied
file, GeoTAX Auxiliary file, Points file, then Streets
cStreetORC |
char |
For street address matching, the output street address return code: Z ZIP Code not found in street address database. S Street not found in ZIP Code. H House number not found on street. L Lat/long not determined on the GeoTAX Auxiliary file, the User Auxiliary file, or the state-supplied file match. blank Successful match Note: If GeoTAX gets a state or auxiliary match, it tries to get a
regular Street match to obtain a Lat/Long. If it cannot get a
Street match, the Street Return Code is an L indicating that a
Lat/Long could not be determined on a state or auxiliary
szFIPSState |
char[2+1] |
FIPS State code. |
szCountyCode |
char[3+1] |
FIPS County code. |
szCensusTract |
char[6+1] |
Census tract code. |
cCensusBlock |
char |
Census block group. |
szState |
char[2+1] |
2-character state abbreviation. |
szCountyName |
char[25+1] |
County name. |
szMCD |
char[5+1] |
Minor Civil Division/Census County Division (MCD/CCD) Code. |
szMCDName |
char[40+1] |
MCD/CCD name. |
szPlaceCode |
char[5+1] |
Place code. |
szPlaceName |
char[40+1] |
Place name. |
szPlaceClassCode |
char[2+1] |
Place class code. |
cIncFlag |
char |
Place incorporated/unincorporated flag: 1 Incorporated 0 Unincorporated blank Not found or does not exist on the FIPS 55 Place Code roster. |
szPlaceLastAnxDat |
char[7+1] |
Last Annexed Date (in MM/YYYY format). This date represents the month and year of the most recent boundary change or the most recent available boundary information. This field is never blank |
szPlaceLastUpDat |
char[7+1] |
Last Updated Date (in MM/YYYY format). This date reflects the month and year when TeleAtlas updated the database to reflect attribute (name change, FIPS change, incorporated/unincorporated change, etc.) or boundary edits to the Place. |
szPlaceLastVfyDat |
char[7+1] |
Last Verified Date (in MM/YYYY format). The Last Verified date is the month and year that TeleAtlas verified municipality change information. |
szPlaceGNISCode |
char[9+1] |
Unique 9-digit Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) code. |
char |
GeoTAX return code denoting the level of match obtained against the PB Vertex or Sovos cross-reference file: E Exact match, using all 5 fields. P Partial match, using 4 fields. A Alternate match using 3 fields. N Record is default coded based on valid state code. Blank No matching GeoTAX record found. |
szGeoTAXKey |
char[9+1] |
9-byte key. For PB Vertex cross-reference file: •2-byte Vertex state code, 3-byte FIPS county code, 4-byte Vertex city code For Sovos cross-reference files: •Sovos SUT - 2-byte SUT state code, 5-byte ZIP Code, 2-byte SUT geocode •Sovos TWE - variable-length TWE geocode |
szBlockID |
char[3+1] |
Census Block ID |
cLatLongLevel |
char |
The latitude/longitude coordinates may be returned from one of a number of possible sources, some of which are optional. The output latitude/longitude level return code is a single character denoting the level for which the geocode was determined, as follows: 2 ZIP+2 Code centroid 4 ZIP+4 Code centroid B Block group centroid C City centroid L Landmark Auxiliary file O Latitude/longitude was matched as input R Street latitude/longitude based on street address S State centroid T Census tract centroid U GeoTAX Auxiliary file Z ZIP Code centroid blank Could not determine latitude/longitude. If the General Return Code (cGenRC) is "P" (point match), then the following are possible values and have the following meaning: 0 Latitude/longitude coordinates from User Dictionary. 2 Latitude/longitude coordinates from Parcel Centroid. 4 Latitude/longitude coordinates from Address Point. 5 Latitude/longitude coordinates from Structure Centroid. 7 Latitude/longitude coordinates from Manually-placed Point. 8 Latitude/longitude coordinates from Front Door Point. 9 Latitude/longitude coordinates from Driveway Offset Point. A Latitude/longitude coordinates from Street Access Point. B Latitude/longitude coordinates from Base Parcel Point. C Latitude/longitude coordinates from Backfill Address Point. D Latitude/longitude coordinates from Virtual Address Point. E Latitude/longitude coordinates from Interpolated Address Point. |
szLatitude |
char[7+1] |
Latitude — 7-digit number in degrees and calculated to 4 decimal places (decimal is implied, not shown). |
cLatDir |
char |
1-character latitude directional: N North S South. |
szLongitude |
char[7+1] |
Longitude — 7-digit number in degrees and calculated to 4 decimal places (decimal is implied, not shown). |
cLongDir |
char |
1-character longitude directional is one of the following: E East W West. |
szLatLongAltFmt |
char[30+1] |
Latitude/longitude alternate format: A 090000000N180000000W (default) B 090.000000N180.000000W C 90.000000-180.000000 D 90000000-180000000 |
szLatAltFmt2 |
char[9+1] |
Output latitude in a format used by the ARCOUT parameter. •Bytes 735-743 Latitude in 90.000000 format |
szLongAltFmt2 |
char[11+1] |
Output longitude in a format used by the ARCOUT parameter. •Bytes 744-754 Longitude in -180.000000 format |
szAuxData |
char[300+1] |
Reserved for data retrieved as a result of a GeoTAX Auxiliary or User Auxiliary match. |
szStateData |
char[200+1] |
Reserved for data retrieved as a result of a state-supplied file match. Each format supported contains its own mask of what data resides in this location. Florida-native format: •Positions 1-40 City Name •Positions 41-48 Date Effective •Positions 49-98 Evidence •Positions 99-101 Fire District ID •Positions 102-105 Police District ID •Position 171 Relax Match Flag •Positions 172-176 Reserved •Position 200 = F for Florida-native format TS-158 format: •Positions 1-28 City Name •Positions 29-36 Reserved •Positions 37-44 Reserved •Positions 45-52 Date Effective •Positions 53-60 Date Expiry •Positions 61-150 Special Tax Districts (10 entries of 9 bytes) –61-69 Special Tax District 1 –70-78 Special Tax District 2 –79-87 Special Tax District 3 –88-96 Special Tax District 4 –97-105 Special Tax District 5 –106-114 Special Tax District 6 –115-123 Special Tax District 7 –124-132 Special Tax District 8 –133-141 Special Tax District 9 –142-150 Special Tax District 10 •Positions 151-199 reserved •Position 200 = value N for TS-158 |
cTSStateInd |
char |
Indicator of TS-158 format. |
szTSStateVint |
char[8+1] |
Vintage used to create the State-supplied file. |
szTSStateVer |
char[8+1] |
Software version used to create the State-supplied file. |
szNumSPD |
char[2+1] |
Number of Special Purpose Tax Districts (SPDs), Insurance Premium Districts (IPDs), or Payroll Tax Districts (PAYs) returned from Boundary match call. |
SPD code, name, version date, effective date, compiled date, contact date, and update date. |
szNumUser |
char[2+1] |
Number of user tax districts. |
User |
User tax districts. |
char |
Output street address return code. |
cNumPTC |
char |
Number of payroll PTCs. |
szStateCntyName |
char[32+1] |
State county name. |
PTC records. |
szPTCFlags |
char[6+1] |
PTC flags. |
szPTCVint |
char[20+1] |
PTC file vintage. |
szPTCVer |
char[8+1] |
Version of GeoTAX that created PTC file. |
szBoundVint |
char[20+1] |
Boundary file vintage. |
Extra IPD information. |
cPlacePointStatus |
char |
Status of the buffered point: P Point in the polygon I Point in the buffer inside the polygon B Point in the buffer, outside of the polygon blank Polygon not found. |
szPlaceBuffDist |
char[9+1] |
Place distance (in feet) to border. |
cMCDPointStatus |
char |
Status of the buffered point: P Point in the polygon I Point in the buffer inside the polygon B Point in the buffer, outside of the polygon blank Polygon not found. |
szMCDBuffDist |
char[9+1] |
MCD distance (in feet) to border. |
szConfSurfaceType |
char[2+1] |
Confidence Surface type: 0 Undefined 1 The search failed - address was not found 2 Intersection confidence-surface generated 3 Interpolated street segment 4 Point level match 5 State confidence-surface generated 6 County confidence-surface generated 7 City confidence-surface generated 8 Reserved 9 A ZIP confidence-surface generated 10 A ZIP+2 confidence-surface generated 11 A ZIP+4 confidence-surface generated 12 Reserved 13 A street centroid confidence-surface generated |
szPlaceConfidence |
char[3+1] |
Place code confidence level. |
szMCDConfidence |
char[3+1] |
MCD confidence level. |
szCountyConfidence |
char[3+1] |
County confidence level. |
szBoundConfidence |
char[10][3+1] |
Boundary confidence level. |
szUserBoundConfidence |
char[10][3+1] |
User-defined boundary confidence level. |
szAMMatchCode |
char[4+1] |
Match Code returned from address matching operation (see Appendix D: Match codes). |
szAMLocationCode |
char[4+1] |
Location Code returned from address matching/geocoding operations (see Appendix D: Location codes). |
szAMDataVersion |
char[20+1] |
Address Matcher data version. |
szAMSWVersion |
char[40+1] |
Address Matcher software version. |
szAMFirmName |
char[40+1] |
Output firm name. |
szAMAddrLine1 |
char[60+1] |
Output Address Line 1. |
szAMAddrLine2 |
char[60+1] |
Output Address Line 2. |
szAMLastLine |
char[60+1] |
Outline Last Line. |
szAMUrbanization |
char[30+1] |
Output urbanization name. |
szAMCity |
char[28+1] |
Output city. |
szAMStateAbbr |
char[2+1] |
Output state abbreviation. |
char[5+1] |
Output ZIP Code. |
szAMZIP4 |
char[4+1] |
Output ZIP+4 Code. |
szAMHouseNum |
char[11+1] |
Output house number. |
szAMPreDir |
char[2+1] |
Output pre-directional. |
szAMStreetName |
char[40+1] |
Output street name. |
szAMStreetType |
char[4+1] |
Output street type. |
szAMPostDir |
char[2+1] |
Output post-directional. |
szAMUnitType |
char[4+1] |
Output secondary type. |
szAMUnitNum |
char[11+1] |
Output secondary number. |
szCBSACode |
char[5+1] |
CBSA code. |
szCBSAName |
char[75+1] |
CBSA name. |
szCBSADCode |
char[5+1] |
CBSAD code. |
szCBSADName |
char[72+1] |
CBSAD name. |
szCSACode |
char[3+1] |
CSA code. |
szCSAName |
char[77+1] |
CSA name. |
cMetroFlag |
char |
Metro flag. Metropolitan flag. Indicates if the CBSA is a "Metropolitan Statistical Area" or a "Micropolitan Statistical Area". Y Metropolitan statistical area N Micropolitan statistical area |
cNumMultiple |
char |
The number of match candidates found in a multi-match. |
szAMDataType |
char[2+1] |
Indicates the file from which the match was obtained: 0 USPS 1 TIGER 2 TomTom Streets 6 NAVTEQ Streets 7 TomTom Points 8 Centrus Points 11 NAVTEQ Points 12 Master Location Data 90 State-supplied file 91 User Auxiliary file 92 Landmark Auxiliary file 93 GeoTAX Auxiliary file |
szAMPBKey |
char[13+1] |
The PreciselyID unique identifer is returned when a match is made to the Master Location Dataset (MLD). This field is a persistent identifier for an address. The PreciselyID unique identifier serves as a lookup key with Precisely GeoEnrichment datasets to add attribute data for an address location. The leading character is a 'P'. For example, P00001XSF1IF. |
cTaxRateRC |
char |
Tax Rate return code denoting the level of match obtained against the Precisely Sales and Use Tax Rate table: E Exact match, using all 5 fields P Partial match, using 4 fields A Alternate match, using 3 fields N Record is default-coded based on valid state code Blank No matching Precisely Sales and Use Tax Rate record found. |
Sales and use tax rates from Precisely Sales and Use Tax Rate file. |
TAXDISTRICT is a separate structure defined as follows:
Element |
Data Type |
Description |
szDistrictCode |
char[3+1] |
Tax District Code |
szDistrictNum |
char[5+1] |
Tax District Number |
szDistrictType |
char[6+1] |
Tax District Type |
szDistrictId |
char[10+1] |
Tax District ID |
szDistrictIDSupp |
char[10+1] |
Supplemental Tax District ID (Jurisdiction ID) |
szDistrictNam |
char[60+1] |
Tax District Name |
cDistrictFlag |
char[10] |
Tax District Flags (Individual 1-byte flags occurs 10 times) |
szVersionDate |
char[6+1] |
Tax District Version Date |
szEffectiveDate |
char[6+1] |
Tax District effective date |
szCompiledDate |
char[6+1] |
Tax District compiled date |
szUpdateDate |
char[6+1] |
Tax District update date |
cBuffRetCode |
char |
Return code |
szBuffDist |
char[9+1] |
Buffer distance. Value must be zero padded. Example "000005280". |
Element |
Data Type |
Description |
szuserDistrId |
char[10+1] |
User District ID |
szDistrictIDSupp |
char[10+1] |
User Supplemental Tax District ID (Jurisdiction ID) |
szUserDistDesc |
char[50+1] |
User Supplemental District description. |
cUserBuffRetCode |
char |
User return code |
szUserBuffDist |
char[9+1] |
User buffer distance. Value must be zero padded. Example "000005280". |
USERTAXDISTRICT is a separate structure defined as follows:
TAXRATEINFO is a separate structure defined as follows:
Element |
Data Type |
Description |
szSalesTaxRateCombined |
char[10+1] |
The sum of the individual state, county, municipality and SPD tax rates. |
szSalesTaxRateState |
char[10+1] |
State sales tax rate. |
szSalesTaxRateCounty |
char[10+1] |
County sales tax rate. |
szSalesTaxRateMuni |
char[10+1] |
Municipality sales tax rate. |
szSalesTaxRateSPD |
char[10][10+1] |
Sales tax rate for up to 10 SPDs. |
szUseTaxRateCombined |
char[10+1] |
The sum of the individual state, county, municipality and SPD use tax rates. |
szUseTaxRateState |
char[10+1] |
State use tax rate. |
szUseTaxRateCounty |
char[10+1] |
County use tax rate. |
szUseTaxRateMuni |
char[10+1] |
Municipality use tax rate. |
szUseTaxRateSPD |
char[10][10+1] |
Use tax rate for up to 10 SPDs. |
PTCINFOARRAY is a separate structure defined as follows:
Element |
Data Type |
Description |
szPTCCode |
char[15+1] |
PTC Code. |
szPTCName |
char[40+1] |
PTC description |
Code Example
#include "geotax.h"
long lReturnCode;
stGTXIn.cFunctionReq = 'O';
strcpy (stGTXIn.szAddrLine1, "4200 Parliament Place");
strcpy (stGTXIn.szAddrLine2, "Suite 600");
strcpy (stGTXIn.szCity, "Lanham");
strcpy (stGTXIn.szState, "MD");
strcpy (stGTXIn.szZIP, "207061844");
lFixedString = 0;
lReturnCode = GTXMatchAddress (&stGTXIn, &stGTXOut, lFixedString);
if (lReturnCode == GTXAPI_SUCCESS)
printf ("\nLatitude: %s%c Longitude: %s%c\n",
stGTXOut.szLongitude, stGTXOut.cLongDir);
printf ("County, state: %s, %s\n\n", stGTXOut.szCountyName, stGTXOut.szState);