Master Location Datasets - GeoStan - addressbroker - centrusdesktop - demographics_library - geographicdeterminationlibrary - geostan_1 - spatial_geostan - 2024.01

Spectrum Geocoding Datasets Overview

Product type
Product family
GeoStan Geocoding Suite
GeoStan Geocoding Suite > AddressBroker
GeoStan Geocoding Suite > Demographics Library
GeoStan Geocoding Suite > Spatial+
GeoStan Geocoding Suite > Geographic Determination Library
GeoStan Geocoding Suite > Centrus Desktop
GeoStan Geocoding Suite > GeoStan
Product name
Spectrum Geocoding Datasets Overview
First publish date
Last updated
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Master Location Data (MLD) provides the best available address point location for every mailable and deliverable address in the United States.

There are additional optional datasets used in conjunction with MLD to provide extended feature support:

Your license file determines the data you can access. The following table describes the files you receive by product.

Note: Some of the data files require separate licensing.

Products and Associated Files for MLD

GeoStan Geocoding Suite
File Name Geographic Determination Library (GDL) GeoStan, GeoCoder Address Broker Spatial+ Centrus Desktop
mpoints1.gsd Y Y Y
mpoints2.gsd Y Y Y
mpoints3.gsd Y Y Y
mpoints.gsx1 Y Y
uscity.gsx1 Y Y
readme.txt Y Y Y
MasterLocation.xls Y Y Y
MasterLocationCoverage.pdf Y Y Y
metadata.json Y Y Y
Copyright.txt Y Y Y
County_copyright_information.xls Y Y Y
License.txt Y Y Y
mldpoi1.gsi Y Y Y
mldpoi2.gsi Y Y Y
mldpoi3.gsi Y Y Y
mpoints1.gsi Y Y Y
mpoints2.gsi Y Y Y
mpoints3.gsi Y Y Y
zipsmld.gsd Y Y Y
  1. Optional Reverse Geocoding Dataset requires a license.

Master Location Reverse PreciselyID Dataset (MLDR)

Reverse PreciselyID Lookup is an optional licensed matching feature. It uses a PreciselyID unique identifier as input and returns all standard returns that are provided as part of address matching. To use the Master Location Reverse PreciselyID dataset, you must first install Master Location Data (see Installing Datasets).

Products and Associated Files for MLDR

The following table describes the files you receive by product.

GeoStan Geocoding Suite
File Name Geographic Determination Library (GDL) GeoStan, GeoCoder Address Broker Spatial+ Centrus Desktop
xx_mldr.pbk files1 Y Y
xx_P99_mldr.pbk files1 Y Y
copyright.txt Y Y
license.txt Y Y
metadata.json Y Y
readme.txt Y Y
  1. The .pbk files are broken out by state. The "xx" shown in the file name represents the 2-letter state abbreviation.

Master Location Structure Centroid Dataset (MLDB)

The Master Location Structure Centroid Dataset (MLDB) is an optional dataset that provides additional match returns to building centroids, as well as support for the Expanded Centroids feature. To use the Master Location Structure Centroid dataset, you must first install Master Location Data (see Installing Datasets).

Products and Associated Files for MLDB

The following table describes the files you receive by product.

GeoStan Geocoding Suite
File Name Geographic Determination Library (GDL) GeoStan, GeoCoder Address Broker Spatial+ Centrus Desktop
bldgcent.gsc Y Y Y
copyright.txt Y Y Y
license.txt Y Y Y
readme.txt Y Y Y
us_cent.gsc Y Y Y