GeoStan is able to process addresses using multiple databases at the same time. This allows you to find the best possible match from a variety of data sources and types of data (point data as well as street segment data). GeoStan processes these multiple data sources using a default search order. When GeoStan matches an address exactly, it stops searching rather than continuing on to search in additional databases. This saves on processing time. When an exact match is not found, GeoStan continues searching all of the available data sources for candidate address matches. The candidates are then scored and the highest scoring match from all of the data sources is returned as the match. If multiple candidates receive an identical score, a multi-match is returned instead. The default search order for GeoStan is:
Auxiliary files
User Dictionaries
Point GSD files
Street GSD files
You may specifically set the database search order using the GS_FIND_DB_ORDER property. This property allows you to specifically set the order in which User Dictionary and GSD databases are searched. This property is designed for situations where you feel that the data in particular data sources is superior or should be preferred over other available sources.
GeoStan supports the creation and use of User Dictionaries based on your own source data. A User Dictionary can be used independently or as a supplement to the supplied GSD. For more information, see User Dictionary.
You can geocode using:
A single User Dictionary or multiple User Dictionaries
Standard GSD
A combination of GSD and User Dictionaries