The following code is an example of how to implement DPV and LACSLink false positive reporting using the C language:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "geostan.h"
int main(int argc, pstr * argv)
GsId gs;
GsFunStat retcode;
char buffer[GS_MAX_STR_LEN];
char buffer2[GS_MAX_STR_LEN];
FILE * DPVfalsPosOut; /* DPV false positive file pointer */
FILE * LACSfalsPosOut; /* LACSLink false positive file pointer */
GsFalsePosHeaderData FPheaderData; /* DPV/LACSLink false positive header record */
GsFalsePosDetailData FPdetailData; /* DPV/LACSLink false positive detail record */
char * mailerName = "Precisely";
char * mailerAddress = "4750 WALNUT ST STE 200";
char * mailerCity = "BOULDER";
char * mailerState = "CO";
char * mailerZip = "803012532";
PropList initProps;
PropList statusProps;
PropList findProps;
qbool bVal;
GsPropListCreate( &initProps, GS_INIT_PROP_LIST_TYPE );
// Replace paths and keys with your installation
GsPropSetStr( &initProps, GS_INIT_DPV_SECURITYKEY, "1237-5678-9abc-def0" );
GsPropSetStr( &initProps, GS_INIT_DPV_DIRECTORY, "C:\\Program Files\\Precisely\\Datasets\\Current" );
GsPropSetBool( &initProps, GS_INIT_DPV, TRUE );
GsPropSetStr( &initProps, GS_INIT_LACSLINK_SECURITY_KEY, "1237-5678-9abc-def0" );
GsPropSetStr( &initProps, GS_INIT_LACSLINK_DIRECTORY, "C:\\Program Files\\Precisely\\Datasets\\Current" );
GsPropSetBool( &initProps, GS_INIT_LACSLINK, TRUE );
GsPropSetStr( &initProps, GS_INIT_SUITELINK_DIRECTORY, "C:\\Program Files\\Precisely\\Datasets\\Current" );
GsPropSetBool( &initProps, GS_INIT_SUITELINK, TRUE );
GsPropSetBool( &initProps, GS_INIT_OPTIONS_ADDR_CODE, TRUE );
GsPropSetBool( &initProps, GS_INIT_OPTIONS_Z9_CODE, TRUE );
GsPropSetStr( &initProps, GS_INIT_DATAPATH, "C:\\Program Files\\Precisely\\Datasets\\Current" );
GsPropSetStr( &initProps, GS_INIT_Z4FILE, "C:\\Program Files\\Precisely\\Datasets\\Current\\us.z9" );
GsPropSetLong( &initProps, GS_INIT_PASSWORD, 12345678 );
GsPropSetLong( &initProps, GS_INIT_CACHESIZE, 2 );
GsPropSetStr( &initProps, GS_INIT_LICFILENAME, "C:\\Program Files\\Precisely\\Geolib\\Geostan.lic" );
GsPropListWrite( &initProps, "stdout", NULL, 0 );
GsPropListCreate( &statusProps, GS_STATUS_PROP_LIST_TYPE );
/* initialize GeoStan */
gs = GsInitWithProps( &initProps, &statusProps );
GsPropListWrite( &statusProps, "stdout", 0, 0 );
while ( GsErrorHas(gs) )
GsErrorGetEx (gs, buffer, buffer2);
printf ("%s\n%s\n", buffer, buffer2);
if ( gs == 0 )
printf( "GeoStan failed to initialize.\n" );
// Verify DPV loaded correctly
retcode = GsPropGetBool( &statusProps, GS_STATUS_DPV_FILE_SECURITY, &bVal );
if ( GS_SUCCESS == retcode )
if ( !bVal )
printf( "DPV security key failed to verify.\n" );
else if ( GS_SUCCESS == GsPropGetBool(&statusProps, GS_STATUS_DPV_FILE_ALL, &bVal))
if ( !bVal )
printf( "DPV data failed to initialize.\n" );
retcode = GsPropGetBool( &statusProps, GS_STATUS_LACSLINK_FILE_SECUR, &bVal );
if ( GS_SUCCESS == retcode )
if ( !bVal )
printf( "LACSLink security key failed to verify.\n" );
else if ( GS_SUCCESS == GsPropGetBool(&statusProps, GS_STATUS_LACSLINK_FILE_ALL, &bVal) )
if ( !bVal )
printf( "LACSLink data failed to initialize.\n" );
retcode = GsPropGetBool( &statusProps, GS_STATUS_SUITELINK_FILE_ALL, &bVal );
if ( GS_SUCCESS == retcode )
if ( !bVal )
printf( "SuiteLink data failed to initialize.\n" );
GsPropListCreate( &findProps, GS_FIND_PROP_LIST_TYPE );
GsPropSetBool( &findProps, GS_FIND_ADDRCODE, TRUE );
GsPropSetBool( &findProps, GS_FIND_Z9_CODE, TRUE );
GsPropSetBool( &findProps, GS_FIND_FINANCE_SEARCH, TRUE );
GsPropSetLong( &findProps, GS_FIND_MATCH_MODE, GS_MODE_CASS );
GsClear( gs );
GsDataSet( gs, GS_ADDRLINE, "74203 PERRANIA");
GsDataSet( gs, GS_LASTLINE, "GRANT CO 80448");
retcode = GsFindWithProps( gs, &findProps );
GsPropListWrite( &findProps, "stdout", 0, 0 );
while ( GsErrorHas(gs) )
GsErrorGetEx (gs, buffer, buffer2);
printf ("%s\n%s\n", buffer, buffer2);
GsDataGet(gs, GS_OUTPUT, GS_DPV_FALSE_POS, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if ( *buffer == 'Y' )
/* A DPV false positive occurred. Write a false positive report. */
DPVfalsPosOut = fopen("DPVfalsePos.rpt", "w");
if ( DPVfalsPosOut )
/* Get the false positive header data */
memset(&FPheaderData, 0, sizeof(FPheaderData));
strcpy(FPheaderData.MailersCompanyName, mailerName);
strcpy(FPheaderData.MailersAddressLine, mailerAddress);
strcpy(FPheaderData.MailersCityName, mailerCity);
strcpy(FPheaderData.MailersStateName, mailerState);
strcpy(FPheaderData.Mailers9DigitZip, mailerZip);
GsDpvGetFalsePosHeaderStats(gs, &FPheaderData, sizeof(FPheaderData));
/* Format the false positive header data */
retcode = GsFormatDpvFalsePosHeader( gs,&FPheaderData, sizeof(FPheaderData), buffer, sizeof(buffer) );
/* Write the header to the false positive file */
if (retcode == GS_SUCCESS)
fprintf( DPVfalsPosOut,"%s\n", buffer );
GsErrorGetEx(gs, buffer, buffer2);
printf( "Error calling GsFormatDpvFalsePosHeader:" "\n%s\n%s\n", buffer, buffer2 );
/* Get the false positive detail data */
retcode = GsDpvGetFalsePosDetail(gs, &FPdetailData, sizeof(FPdetailData));
if (retcode != GS_SUCCESS)
GsErrorGetEx(gs, buffer, buffer2);
printf( "Error calling GsDpvGetFalsePosDetail:" "\n%s\n%s\n", buffer, buffer2);
/* Format the false positive detail data */
retcode = GsFormatDpvFalsePosDetail(gs, &FPdetailData, sizeof(FPdetailData), buffer, sizeof(buffer));
/* Write the detail to the false positive file */
if (retcode == GS_SUCCESS)
fprintf( DPVfalsPosOut,"%s\n", buffer );
GsErrorGetEx(gs, buffer, buffer2);
printf( "Error calling GsFormatDpvFalsePosDetail:" "\n%s\n%s\n", buffer, buffer2);
printf("Failed to open DPV false positive file " "(errno =%d).\n", errno);
GsClear( gs );
GsDataSet( gs, GS_ADDRLINE, "RR 1 BOX 6300"); GsDataSet( gs, GS_LASTLINE, "MOUNT SIDNEY VA 24467");
retcode = GsFindWithProps( gs, &findProps );
GsDataGet(gs, GS_OUTPUT, GS_LACSLINK_IND, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (*buffer == 'F')
/* A LACSLink false positive occurred. Write a false positive report */
LACSfalsPosOut = fopen("LACSfalsePos.rpt", "w");
if ( LACSfalsPosOut )
/* Get the false positive header data */
memset(&FPheaderData, 0, sizeof(FPheaderData));
strcpy(FPheaderData.MailersCompanyName, mailerName);
strcpy(FPheaderData.MailersAddressLine, mailerAddress);
strcpy(FPheaderData.MailersCityName, mailerCity);
strcpy(FPheaderData.MailersStateName, mailerState);
strcpy(FPheaderData.Mailers9DigitZip, mailerZip);
GsLACSGetFalsePosHeaderStats(gs, &FPheaderData, sizeof(FPheaderData));
/* Format the false positive header data */
retcode = GsFormatLACSFalsePosHeader(gs, &FPheaderData, sizeof(FPheaderData), buffer, sizeof(buffer));
/* Write the header to the false positive file */
if (retcode == GS_SUCCESS)
fprintf( LACSfalsPosOut,"%s\n", buffer );
GsErrorGetEx(gs, buffer, buffer2);
printf("Error calling GsFormatLACSFalsePosHeader:" "\n%s\n%s\n", buffer, buffer2);
/* Get the false positive detail data */
retcode = GsLACSGetFalsePosDetail(gs, &FPdetailData, sizeof(FPdetailData));
if (retcode != GS_SUCCESS)
GsErrorGetEx(gs, buffer, buffer2); printf("Error calling GsLACSGetFalsePosDetail:""\n%s\n%s\n", buffer, buffer2);
/* Format the false positive detail data */
retcode = GsFormatLACSFalsePosDetail(gs, &FPdetailData, sizeof(FPdetailData), buffer, sizeof(buffer));
/* Write the detail to the false positive file */
if (retcode == GS_SUCCESS)
fprintf( LACSfalsPosOut,"%s\n", buffer );
GsErrorGetEx(gs, buffer, buffer2);
printf("Error calling GsFormatDpvFalsePosDetail:" "\n%s\n%s\n", buffer, buffer2);
printf("Failed to open LACSLink false positive file" " (errno =%d).\n", errno);
GsTerm( gs );
GsPropListDestroy( &findProps );
GsPropListDestroy( &initProps );
GsPropListDestroy( &statusProps );
return 0;