Deprecated. Used to enable street locator geocoding as an automatic geocoding fallback.
qbool GsSetStreetCentroid( GsId gs, qbool GsStrCen );
gs ID returned by GsInit_r for the current instance of GeoStan. Input.
GsStrCen Specifies whether or not to return a street segment geocode as an automatic geocoding fallback. Input.
n 0 = (default) Street locator disabled
n 1 = Return street segment geocode
Return Values
Current setting for this option (the setting before the change).
When this feature is enabled, if a street name is encountered while geocoding, and there is no matching address range, GeoStan will attempt to locate the street within the input ZIP Code or city if there is no input ZIP Code. If GeoStan is able to locate the street, it will return a geocode along the matched street segment rather than the geocode for the entered ZIP Code or ZIP + 4.
If a street number is entered, GeoStan will return the coordinates of the end point of the closest numeric street segment within the input ZIP Code. When there is no input ZIP Code, the closest numeric street segment of all the ZIP Codes within the input city will be returned.
If no street number is entered, the centroid of a matching street segment within the input ZIP Code will be returned. The centroid of a street segment for all the ZIP Codes within the input city will be returned when there is no input ZIP Code.
Match candidates may be returned. More information about the returned segment(s) can be obtained for either a single or a match candidate by calling GsMultipleGet().