Deprecated. Specifies the datum GeoStan uses to calculate address coordinates.
intlu GsSetDatum ( GsId gs, intlu iNewDatum );
gs ID returned by GsInit_r for the current instance of GeoStan. Input.
iNewDatum Enum value indicating the datum to use in returning address coordinates. Valid enums are DATUM_NAD27 and DATUM_NAD83 (default). Input.
Return Values
GS_SUCCESS GeoStan used the requested datum to calculate the existing coordinates (no conversion required), or if all of the files for the requested datum are present.
GS_ERROR GeoStan did not find any of the files for the requested datum. GeoStan continues to use the current datum, and does not reset. Call GsErrorGet to find out which datum files did not load.
Use GsSetDatum to select the datum you want GeoStan to use when returning address coordinates via GsDataGet.This setting affects only the numeric coordinates returned by GsDataGet for the latitude and longitude of an address.
You must call GsSetDatum before calling GsFind. GeoStan does not cache or modify the lat and lon values if you call GsSetDatum after GsFind.
Although the arguments are DATUM_NAD27 and DATUM_NAD83, note that TomTom uses WGS84 instead of NAD83. These two coordinate systems are compatible.