Deprecated. Initializes GeoStan for DPV
GsFunStat GsInitDpv_r (GsId gs, DpvInitStruct *dpvInitStruct, int
gs ID returned by GsInit_r for the current instance of GeoStan. Input.
*dpvInitStruct This structure contains the following:
dataAccess Indicates the type of files to load and how to access the files. The following table contains the possible values. Input.
Default. Files are not loaded into memory. Table access is through file I/O. |
Files are loaded into memory. Use this option to gain performance improvement by reducing repetitive file I/O. |
Use if your file is sorted by ZIP Code and you have limited memory. Uses a split data format that separates the DPV data file into multiple smaller files, based on the first 2 digits of the ZIP Code. If you sort your mailing file by ZIP Code, you can use this value to bring the relevant portion of the DPV file into memory. This process uses 32 MB of storage, but reduces the number ofI/O requests that normally occurs when you use the full DPV data file. |
memoryBufferSize Number of MBs used to load buffered files into memory. Input.
The following table contains the possible values.
0 |
Default. Do not load DPV files into memory. Access is through file I/O. |
1-999 |
Number of MBs to allocate for buffered I/O. |
options Reserved for future implementation. Input.
pDirectory String that specifies the directory containing DPV data. Input.
securityKey Security key to initialize DPV functionality. Input.
Status Indicates the successful initialization of DPV. Output.
The following table contains the constants used to test each significant bit.
The DPV security file initialized successfully. |
The DPV data initialized successfully. |
structSize Size of the dpvInitStruct data structure. Input.
structVersion Set to GS_GEOSTAN_VERSION. Input.
Return Values
GS_SUCCESS Initialized successfully.
GS_ERROR Failed to initialize. Call GsErrorGetEx for information.
See notes
If you are using GsSetFileMemoryLimit to control the amount of memory used for memory mapped files, you need to call GsInitDpv_r after GsSetFileMemoryLimit and before GsInit_r.
If you are not using GsSetFileMemoryLimit, you need to call GsInit_r before calling GsInitDpv_r.