GsFind - geostan_1 - 2024.01

GeoStan Geocoding Suite Reference for Windows, Linux, and z/OS

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GeoStan Geocoding Suite
GeoStan Geocoding Suite > GeoStan
Product name
GeoStan Geocoding Suite Reference for Windows, Linux, and z/OS
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Deprecated. Matches the current address loaded via GsDataSet.


GsFunStat GsFind( GsId gs, GsEnum options );


gs   ID returned by GsInit_r for the current instance of GeoStan. Input.

options   GsFind options. The following table contains valid enums. Input.

Address Processing


Attempts to standardize and find an address geocode. Set this switch if you want the address parsed and standardized. If this switch is not set, GeoStan uses only the input ZIP and ZIP + 4 address elements.


Finds a geocode when address standardization is not possible. If GeoStan cannot standardize an address, it uses the input ZIP or  ZIP + 4 to find a centroid match.

Search Options


Considers all records matching the first letter of the street name, rather than the soundex key on the street name, which allows a wider search.

Note: This option has no effect when performing a ZIP centroid match.


Searches the entire Finance Area for possible streets.

Note: This option has no effect when performing a ZIP centroid match.


Enables matching to building names even when no unit numbers are present


Enables GeoStan to keep multiple candidate records when matching with point-level data for use with centerline matching.

Not valid when using the reverse geocoding options.

Geocode Levels


Attempts to find a ZIP + 4 centroid match only.

Not valid when using the reverse geocoding options.


Attempts to find a ZIP+2 centroid match only (no ZIP + 4 or ZIP).

Not valid when using the reverse geocoding options.


Attempts to find a ZIP centroid match (no ZIP + 4 or ZIP+2).

Not valid when using the reverse geocoding options.


Attempts to find any ZIP centroid match.

Not valid when using the reverse geocoding options.

Multi-Line Address Processing


Sets the preference to P.O. Box addresses instead of street addresses for multi-line input addresses. See Specifying a preference for street name or P.O. Box for more information. Ignored if processing in CASS mode.


Sets the preference to street addresses instead of P.O. Box addresses for multi-line input addresses. Ignored if processing in CASS mode.

Reverse Geocoding Processing


Specifies that GeoStan can match to addresses interpolated on street segments or to point data locations.


Specifies that GeoStan can match to intersections.


Specifies that GeoStan can match a street segment with no number ranges. Enabled with GS_NEAREST_ADDRESS. Ignored for point data and intersection matches.

Note: You can use GS_NEAREST_ADDRESS and GS_NEAREST_INTERSECTION together to specify reverse geocoding to both addresses and intersections.

For Address processing, you must use either GS_ADDR_CODE or GS_Z_CODE (or both). These settings are additive. For most purposes, you should specify the GS_ADDR_CODE, GS_Z_CODE, and GS_GEO_CODE switch.

If you specify GS_ADDR_CODE and one of the Geocode level options, GeoStan only returns a ZIP Code centroid match if the address is standardized but an address geocode is not available.

For reverse geocoding, you need to set the reverse geocoding processing options: GS_NEAREST_ADDRESS, GS_NEAREST_INTERSECTION, and GS_NEAREST_UNRANGED. The address processing and multi-line address processing options are not valid for reverse geocoding.

Return Values

GS_ADDRESS_NOT_RESOLVED    GeoStan cannot resolve a match candidate.

GS_ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND    GeoStan did not find an address match or if you have a metered license and the GeoStan record count is depleted.

For metered licenses, GsFind decrements the GeoStan record counter in the license each time it returns a non-error match code. If the counter reaches zero or below, GsFind returns GS_ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND and sets the match code to E015. If you have an unmetered license, no decrementing occurs, and processing is unlimited.

GS_ERROR   Low-level errors; use GsErrorGet to retrieve the error information.

GS_LASTLINE_NOT_FOUND    GeoStan did not find a match for city/state or ZIP Code.

GS_SUCCESS    GeoStan found a match.




If GeoStan cannot standardize and address, you can still retrieve normalized address information, match codes, carrier routes, or other elements with GsDataGet. You can retrieve alias information by calling GsMultipleGet with an index of 0.

Before each find function, call GsClear to reset the internal buffers. If you do not reset the buffers, you may receive incorrect results with information from a previous find. If you use both the reverse geocode and address line matching enums in the same call, GeoStan displays an error. These types of finds are mutually exclusive.