Type |
Long |
Description |
Indicates the type of files to load and how to access the files. The following table contains the possible values. |
Values |
Indicates the type of files to load and how to access the files. • DPV_DATA_FULL_FILEIO – dpvh.db accessed via file I/O and Micro (U) memory model. This is a default value. • DPV_DATA_FULL_MEMORY – dpvh.db loaded completely into memory and Huge (H) memory model (about 1.3 GB). Use this option to gain performance improvement by reducing repetitive file I/O. • DPV_DATA_SPLIT_FILEIO - dpvs.db accessed via file I/O and Micro (U) memory model. Use if your file is sorted by ZIP Code and you have limited memory. Uses a split data format that separates the DPV data file into multiple smaller files, based on the first 2 digits of the ZIP Code. If you sort your mailing file by ZIP Code, you can use this value to bring the relevant portion of the DPV file into memory. This process uses 32 MB of storage, but reduces the number of I/O requests that normally occurs when you use the full DPV data. file. • DPV_DATA_SPLIT_MEMORY – dpvs.db loaded completely into memory and Huge (H) memory model (about 965 MB) • DPV_DATA_FLAT_FILEIO - dpv.db accessed via file I/O and Micro (U) memory model. • DPV_DATA_FLAT_MEMORY – dpv.db Large (L) memory model (about 70 MB). This configuration will provide the best performance overall. |
Default value |
Relation to deprecated feature |
Overrides DpvInitStruct. |