Find Boolean Type properties have a default value of False when the property is not in the find property list, except for GS_FIND_MUST_MATCH_ADDRNUM.
Conflicting API functions
Detailed here are the categories and categories that conflict in the GsFindWithProps properties listed below.
GeoStan applications control the behavior of GsFindWithProps by setting any of the find properties. You can find the complete list of these find properties in table GsFindWithProps properties. These properties naturally fall into several categories. Rules exist that control which categories of properties can intermix. The tables below show which property categories conflict. Those categories that are not shown to be in conflict can be used together.
GeoStan detects conflicting properties and returns appropriate error messages from the several GsPropSet* functions. This prevents illegal, inconsistent, conflicting, or confusing property combinations from occurring. By guaranteeing fully consistent property lists, this allows the GeoStan engine code to have a clear path to perform the matching logic.
By clearly defining the categories into which the properties fall, and which categories of properties are for use together, this aids in familiarizing you in the semantics and capabilities of the properties. The categories are described below:
Category |
Description |
Any |
No restrictions on the use of this property with other properties. In other words, a property in this category can be used in combination with other properties from a similar property type (init, status, or find). |
AnyForward |
Find properties that are usable with any use of GsFindWithProps which is doing "forward geocoding", that is, standardizing and geocoding an input address. |
GeoStanReverse |
Find properties that are usable with any use of GsFindWithProps which is doing a reverse geocoding search. |
GeoStanFindFirstStreet |
Find properties that are usable with any use of GsFindWithProps which is doing an FindFirstStreet/Segment/Range search. |
Custom |
Find properties that are usable with any use of GsFindWithProps which is using custom find properties. |
The properties with the categories listed below in the Category column cannot be used with the properties with categories listed in the Conflicting Category column.
Category |
Conflicting category |
Any |
None. |
AnyForward |
GeoStanReverse GeoStanFindFirstStreet |
GeoStanReverse |
GeoStanFindFirstStreet Custom AnyForward |
GeoStanFindFirstStreet |
Custom AnyForward GeoStanReverse |
Custom |
GeoStanReverse GeoStanFindFirstStreet |
GeoStan does not allow an application to add a property from the category listed in the Category column, if the property list already contains a MatchMode property type listed in the MatchMode value column below:
Category |
MatchMode value |
Custom |
Relax Interactive Close Exact |
GeoStanReverse GeoStanFindFirstStreet |
Custom |
GeoStan does not allow an application to change the MatchMode value to those listed in the MatchMode value column, if the property list already contains at least on property from any of the categories listed in the Category column below:
MatchMode value |
Property |
Relax Interactive Close Exact Custom |
Custom |
Custom |
AnyForward GeoStanReverse GeoStanFindFirstStreet |
BuildingSearch PreferStreet PreferPOBox AddressRange StreetCentroid Any MustMatch* property |
When the MatchMode is already set to CASS, none of the properties listed in the Property column can be set. Similarly, if any of the properties in the Property column are already in the property list, the MatchMode cannot be set to CASS.
This early property conflict detection feature prevents the conflicts described in this section from occurring.