Validates an auxiliary file record.
GsFunStat GsVerifyAuxiliaryRecord (GsId gs, const char
GsIdgs ID returned by GsInitWithProps for the current instance of GeoStan. Input.
const char*pRecord Pointer to a string buffer containing one auxiliary file record. Input.
Return Values
GS_SUCCESS The record is valid and GeoStan will load the record. This includes comment records; records whose first character is a semicolon.
GS_WARNING The record contains a non-fatal error and GeoStan will load the record. Because this record has a problem, an input address may not be able to match to the record in its current state, or the output data from a match to the record may not be valid.
GS_ERROR The record contains a fatal error and GeoStan will NOT load the file.
char buffer[800];
char msg1[GS_MAX_STR_LEN], msg2[GS_MAX_STR_LEN];
FILE * fp;
GsId gs;
GsFunStat rc;
int recno = 0;
/* open the GAX file */
fp = fopen( GAXfilename, "r" );
if ( fp )
/* get the first record from the file */
fgets( buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp );
/* while not EOF, process each record */
while( !feof(fp) )
/* verify the record */
rc = GsVerifyAuxiliaryRecord( gs, buffer );
if ( rc != GS_SUCCESS )
/* the record is not perfect, so get more information */
while ( GsErrorHas(gs) )
GsErrorGetEx( gs, msg1, msg2 );
printf( "%s %d: %s %s\n", rc == GS_ERROR ? "FATAL ERROR" : "WARNING", recno, msg1, msg2 );
/* get the next record from the file */
fgets( buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp );